Color1 (string)
Color2 (string)
Color3 (string)
Use1 (decimal)
Use2 (decimal)
Use3 (decimal)
Col1 | Col2 | Col3 | Use1 | Use2 | Use3 | Date
Red | Green | Red | 2 | 6 | 8 | 30-01-2018
Red | Black | Black| 5 | 7 | 9 | 25-02-2019
Green | Red | Green| 1 | 3 | 3 | 30-05-2019
Color | Month | Usage |
Red | 01 | 10 |
Red | 02 | 5 |
Red | 05 | 3 |
Green | 01 | 6 |
Green | 05 | 4 |
Black | 02 | 16 |
正在努力寻找一种在SQL中执行此操作的方法。 如果有人可以帮助我,我将非常感激。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
一种方法是Sub myFooter()
' Paste a logo into the footer.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim img As String, shp As Shape, oWD As Word.Document, Sctn As Section
On Error Resume Next
img = "G:\Shared Drives\footer.jpg"
Set oWD = ActiveDocument
For Each Sctn In oWD.Sections
With oWD.Sections(Sctn.Index).Footers(wdHeaderFooterPrimary).Shapes.AddPicture(img)
' for absolute positioning
.Left = CentimetersToPoints(15.75)
.Top = CentimetersToPoints(0.44)
'.below = BottomMargin
End With
Next Sctn
Set shp = Nothing
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
union all
答案 1 :(得分:0)
的使用分别与summing up
和select color, month, sum(usage) as usage
select col1 as color, extract(month from Date) as month,
sum(use1) as usage from tab group by col1, extract(month from Date) union all
select col2, extract(month from Date),
sum(use2) from tab group by col2, extract(month from Date) union all
select col3, extract(month from Date),
sum(use3) from tab group by col3, extract(month from Date)
) q
group by color, month;
的使用情况相对,考虑整个数据的颜色重复月份的可能性,在这里可能不会共享。 / p>
的方式。 MySQL
t1=[('Angola', 'UK'), ('Germany', 'UK'), ('UK', 'France'), ('UK', 'Italy'), ('France', 'Italy'), ('Austria', 'Bahamas')]
t2=[('Angola:UK'), ('Germany:UK'), ('UK:France'), ('UK:Italy'), ('France:Italy'), ('Austria:Bahamas')]
# We transform the lists of tuple to lists of sets for easier and faster computations
# We transform the lists of tuple to lists of sets for easier and faster computations
t0 = [set(x) for x in t0]
t1 = [set(x) for x in t1]
# We define a function that removes list of elements and adds an element
# from a set
def add_remove(set_, to_remove, to_add):
result_temp = set_.copy()
for element in to_remove:
return result_temp
# We do the computation using a double list comprehension
result = [[add_remove(y, x, z) if x.issubset(y) else y for y in t0]
for x, z in zip(t1, t2)]
答案 2 :(得分:0)
select date, col
from (select mth, col1_use1 = colour1+convert(nvarchar, usage1)
, col2_use2 = colour2+convert(nvarchar, usage2)
, col3_use3 = colour3+convert(nvarchar, usage3)
from colourusagemonth) m
(col for colour in (col1_use1, col2_use2, col3_use3)
) as unpvt;