尝试使用pyodbc连接到Azure SQL服务器时收到错误消息。
import pyodbc
DRIVER = '{SQL Server}'
SERVER = 'tcp:[server name].database.windows.net'
PORT = '1433'
DATABASE = [database name]
USERNAME = [username]
PASSWORD = [password]
cursor = pyodbc.connect(CONNECTION_STRING).cursor()
ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]
Cannot open server [server name] requested by the login. Client with IP address [my IP]
is not allowed to access the server. To enable access, use the Windows Azure
Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the master database to create a
firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may take up to five minutes
for this change to take effect. (40615) (SQLDriverConnect); [42000] [Microsoft]
[ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute (0); [42000] [Microsoft]
[ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]Cannot open server [server name] requested by the
login. Client with IP address [my IP] is not allowed to access the server. To enable
access, use the Windows Azure Management Portal or run sp_set_firewall_rule on the
master database to create a firewall rule for this IP address or address range. It may
take up to five minutes for this change to take effect. (40615); [42000] [Microsoft]
[ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid connection string attribute (0)")
更新: 我尝试使用Visual Studio进行连接,它提示我创建新的防火墙规则。我选择“添加我的客户端IP”,然后单击“确定”。提示然后立即重新出现。我尝试单击几次,新规则的确出现在Azure门户中,但仍然无法通过Visual Studio或python连接。
解决方案: 我使用的是SQL身份验证,而不是Active Directory身份验证。通过向连接字符串添加AUTHENTICATION = ActiveDirectoryPassword解决了该问题。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
- 请确保已将客户端IP添加到防火墙。
- 请这样修改您的代码,然后重试:
import pyodbc
server = '<server>.database.windows.net'
database = '<database>'
username = '<username>'
password = '<password>'
driver= '{ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server}'
cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER='+driver+';SERVER='+server+';PORT=1433;DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password)
cursor = cnxn.cursor()
此代码示例由以下文档提供:Create code to query your SQL database。
最后弄清楚了-事实证明问题出在Jon123使用的是SQL身份验证而不是Active Directory身份验证。