出于几个原因,我必须拥有一个给定的结构,因此我需要三个文件。第一个创建顶层,第二个创建遮罩,还有填充组合框的方法。第三档 包括创建和处理组合框的所有方法。
exec vmwish "$0" ${1+"$@"}
package require itcl
auto_mkindex . vmCombobox2.itcl vmMaskHelmert2.itcl
lappend auto_path /myPath
namespace eval vmHelmert2 {
variable helmert
proc vmHelmert2::grundmaske {} {
set top [toplevel .top -class Helmert]
set frMain [frame $top.centrum]
pack $frMain -expand 1 -fill both
set helmertWidget [vmMaskHelmert2 #auto $frMain]
set helmert(widget) [$helmertWidget getThis]
package require Itcl
::itcl::class vmMaskHelmert2 {
public method getThis {}
private method createMaskHelmert {w}
private method setAnsatzList {liste}
private method faerbeAnsatzListe {}
private variable pfd
private variable data
constructor {w} {
createMaskHelmert $w
return $this
destructor {
#puts "DESTRUCTOR wird jetzt gestartet."
::itcl::body vmMaskHelmert2::getThis {} {
return $this
::itcl::body vmMaskHelmert2::createMaskHelmert {w} {
set pfd(frMain) [frame $w.frMain]
pack $pfd(frMain) -anchor nw -expand 1 -fill both
set pfd(c_ansatznr) [vmCombobox2 $pfd(frMain).c_ansatznr \
-state normal \
-width 15\
-justify right]
pack $pfd(c_ansatznr) -side left
[$pfd(c_ansatznr) component combobox] configure -postcommand "[itcl::code $this faerbeAnsatzListe]"
set data(ansatzList) [list 1 0 2 1 3 1]
setAnsatzList $data(ansatzList)
::itcl::body vmMaskHelmert2::setAnsatzList {liste} {
# Alle Inhalte vorher loeschen
$pfd(c_ansatznr) delete entry 0 end
$pfd(c_ansatznr) delete list 0 end
foreach {einElement status} $liste {
$pfd(c_ansatznr) insert list end $einElement
::itcl::body vmMaskHelmert2::faerbeAnsatzListe {} {
foreach {elem state} $data(ansatzList) {
if { $state } {
# puts "TODO: Farbe Ansatz $elem verändern!!!"
$pfd(c_ansatznr) itemconfigure $elem red
package require Itcl
package require Iwidgets
itcl::class vmCombobox2 {
inherit itk::Widget
constructor {args} {}
destructor {}
public method insert {component index args}
public method delete {component first {last {}}}
public method itemconfigure {bez farbe}
private variable popdown
private method create {top}
protected method _deleteList {first {last {}}}
itcl::body vmCombobox2::constructor {args} {
ttk::style configure Combobox$this.TCombobox\
-selectbackground #52719c\
-borderwidth 1\
-insertwidth 2\
-selectforeground white\
-fieldbackground white
ttk::style map Combobox$this.TCombobox -background [list disabled #a3a3a3 readonly #a3a3a3]
ttk::style map Combobox$this.TCombobox -foreground [list disabled #d9d9d9 readonly #d9d9d9]
ttk::style map Combobox$this.TCombobox -arrowcolor [list disabled darkgrey readonly black]
create $itk_interior
itk_initialize {*}$args
# wenn -values vor -textvariable steht wird die Variable nicht initialisiert deshalb:
set idx [lsearch $args "-textvariable"]
if {$idx != -1} {
setVar [lindex [$itk_component(combobox) cget -values] end]
itcl::body vmCombobox2::create {top} {
# puts "createCombobox"
# Label
itk_component add label {
set label [label $top.label -anchor w]
set label
} {
rename -font -labelfont labelFont Font
# Frame fuer highlightthickness
itk_component add frame {
set frame [frame $top.frame -highlightcolor black]
set frame
} {
# combobox
itk_component add combobox {
set combobox [ttk::combobox $top.frame.combo -style Combobox$this.TCombobox]
set combobox
} {
keep -textvariable -values -cursor -exportselection -justify -height -state -width -takefocus -postcommand\
-invalidcommand -foreground
rename -validate -validateart validateArt ValidateArt
grid $itk_component(label) -row 0 -column 0 -sticky ne
grid $itk_component(frame) -row 0 -column 1 -sticky ew
pack $itk_component(combobox) -fill x -expand 1
grid columnconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
# aufgeklappte Liste
set pd [ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow $itk_component(combobox)]
set popdown $pd.f.l
itcl::body vmCombobox2::_deleteList {first {last {}}} {
if {$last == {}} {
set last $first
set valueList [$itk_component(combobox) cget -values]
set newValuesList [lreplace $valueList $first $last]
# remove the item if it is no longer in the list
set text [$itk_component(combobox) get]
if {$text != ""} {
set index [lsearch -exact $newValuesList $text]
if {$index == -1} {
$itk_component(combobox) set ""
$itk_component(combobox) configure -values $newValuesList
itcl::body vmCombobox2::delete {component first {last {}}} {
switch -- $component {
entry {
if {$last == {}} {
#set last [expr {$first + 1}]
set last $first
set text [$itk_component(combobox) get]
set newText [string replace $text $first $last]
$itk_component(combobox) set $newText
list {
_deleteList $first $last
default {
error "falsches Combobox component \"$component\":\
zugelassen sind: entry or list."
itcl::body vmCombobox2::insert {component index args} {
set nargs [llength $args]
if {$nargs == 0} {
error "Kein Einfuegestring fuer parameter \"string\" in function\"vmCombobox2::insert\""
switch -- $component {
list {
if {$itk_option(-state) == "normal"} {
set aktuell [$itk_component(combobox) cget -values]
if {[lsearch -exact $aktuell $args] != -1} {
set neu [linsert $aktuell $index [join $args]]
$itk_component(combobox) configure -values $neu
default {error "Falsches vmCombobox2 component \"$component\": zugelassen be entry oder list."}
itcl::body vmCombobox2::itemconfigure {bez farbe} {
puts "content popdownListe >>[$popdown get 0 end]<<"
# index des Elements in popDownListe
set index [lsearch [$popdown get 0 end] $bez]
try {
$popdown itemconfigure $index -foreground red
} on error {err errOpts} {
puts "Error >>$err<<"
的内容。 If
content popdownListe
项目号“ -1”超出范围
答案 0 :(得分:1)
一种可能的解决方案是在显示列表之后配置项目。 您需要这样做:
exec vmwish“ $ 0” $ {1 +“ $ @”}
包装要求Itcl 软件包需要vmWidgets 软件包需要vmTclTools 顶级.t 框架.t.fr 打包.t.fr
全局WMS 可变变量 设置cb1 [vmCombobox .t.fr.li \ -textvariable :: wms(capabilitiesAddr)\ -selection命令getV \ -textfont {helvetica 10粗体} \ -labelfont {helvetica 10粗体} \ 值[列表1 2 3 33i 1000 7] \ -textvariable :: wms(var)\ -高度20 \ -验证所有\ -验证{valMass%P} \ -labeltext testcombobox \ ] 包装$ cb1
$ cb1插入列表结尾jojo 设置pd [$ cb1 getPopdown] $ cb1 configure -postcallback [列出configureLB $ pd] proc configureLB {pd} { foreach我[$ pd得到0结尾] { #hier Items konfigurieren 放$ i } $ pd itemconfigure结束-前景红色 }
答案 1 :(得分:0)
:itcl::body vmMaskHelmert2::faerbeAnsatzListe {} {
set listIndex [list ]
foreach {elem state} $data(ansatzList) {
if { $state } {
# puts "TODO: Farbe Ansatz $elem verändern!!!"
set values [$pfd(c_ansatznr) getValues]
set index [lsearch $values $elem]
lappend listIndex $index
set pd [$pfd(c_ansatznr) getPopdown]
$pfd(c_ansatznr) configure -postcallback [list configureLB $pd $listIndex]
itcl::class vmCombobox {
itk_option define -postcallback postCallback PostCallback ""
itcl::body vmCombobox::constructor {args} {
if {$idx != -1} {
setVar [lindex [$itk_component(combobox) cget -values] end]
set pd [ttk::combobox::PopdownWindow $itk_component(combobox)]
set oldTags [bindtags $pd]
set tagList [concat $oldTags "callBack$this"]
bind callBack$this <Map> [itcl::code $this popUpCallback]
bindtags $pd $tagList
bind $pd <Unmap> [::itcl::code $this clearAfterSelect]
itcl::body vmCombobox::getPopdown {} {
return $popdown
itcl::body vmCombobox::popUpCallback {} {
if {$itk_option(-postcallback) != ""} {
eval $itk_option(-postcallback)
::itcl::body vmCombobox::configureLB {pd listIndex} {
foreach index $listIndex {
$pd itemconfigure $index -foreground red