
时间:2011-04-16 07:23:40

标签: php database drop-down-menu


我想保存此输入并使用该值来运行查询。即如果用户选择美国和巴西,我将运行一些查询,例如select * from my database in country == selection 1 and selection 2(brazil and usa)。




<title> Welcome! </title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"/>
<Form Name ="form1" Method ="POST" ACTION = "page1.php">

$link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
if (!$link)
 $output = 'Unable to connect to the database server.';
 include 'output.html.php'; 

mysql_select_db('top recipes');
if (!mysql_select_db('top recipes'))
 $output = 'Unable to locate the joke database.';
 include 'output.html.php';

function dropdown( $name, array $options, $selected=null )
    /*** begin the select ***/
    $dropdown = '<select name="'.$name.'" id="'.$name.'">'."\n";

    $selected = $selected;
    /*** loop over the options ***/
    foreach( $options as $key=>$option )
        /*** assign a selected value ***/
        $select = $selected==$key ? ' selected' : null;

        /*** add each option to the dropdown ***/
        $dropdown .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$select.'>'.$option.'</option>'."\n";

    /*** close the select ***/
    $dropdown .= '</select>'."\n";

    /*** and return the completed dropdown ***/
    return $dropdown;

function dropdowntwo( $nametwo, array $optionstwo, $selectedtwo=null )
    /*** begin the select ***/
    $dropdowntwo = '<select name="'.$nametwo.'" id="'.$nametwo.'">'."\n";

    $selectedtwo = $selectedtwo;
    /*** loop over the options ***/
    foreach( $optionstwo as $key=>$option )
        /*** assign a selected value ***/
        $select = $selectedtwo==$key ? ' selectedtwo' : null;

        /*** add each option to the dropdown ***/
        $dropdowntwo .= '<option value="'.$key.'"'.$select.'>'.$option.'</option>'."\n";

    /*** close the select ***/
    $dropdowntwo .= '</select>'."\n";

    /*** and return the completed dropdown ***/
    return $dropdowntwo;


$name = 'my_dropdown';
$options = array( 'USA', 'Brazil', 'Random' );
$selected = 1;

echo dropdown( $name, $options, $selected );

$nametwo = 'my_dropdowntwo';
$optionstwo = array( 'USA', 'Brazil', 'Random' );
$selectedtwo = 1;

echo dropdowntwo( $nametwo, $optionstwo, $selectedtwo );
<INPUT TYPE = "Submit" Name = "Submit1" VALUE = "Select">

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


if (!empty($_POST['my_dropdown'])) {
  $country1 = $_POST['my_dropdown'];
  // validate if $country1 is in allowed values or use at least
  $country1 = mysql_real_escape_string($country1);
// similar for my_dropdowntwo => $country2

// process only with both values?
if (!empty($country1) && !empty($country2)) {
    // you can strore it into $_SESSION if you want - you need to run session_start() before headers!
    $_SESSION['country1'] = $country1;
    // or store only to cookies if it should be perzistent
    setcookie("country1", $country1, time()+3600,, '/');
    // or you can use use variables directly if you want to run query now -> use $country1 or $country2 variabes

// if you want to use later stored variables
// first test if you have both variables ...
// then
$query = sprintf("SELECT something FROM someTable where country = '%s' AND country2 = '%s', $_SESSION['country1'], $_SESSION['country2']);
// or use $_COOKIE['country1'] if you use cookies instead
// ...

你的应用程序会比这个单页更大,你应该读一些关于今天流行的 MVC 或使用一些php框架而不是混合这样的代码:)