
时间:2011-04-16 04:26:47

标签: python django django-haystack

超级简单的问题:我通过干草堆的“开始”文档(使用嗖!我使用pip安装了python-who和haystack(第一次使用它)),我根本无法运行python manage.py rebuild_index 。我收到这个错误:

python manage.py rebuild_index
Unknown command: 'rebuild_index'
Type 'manage.py help' for usage

我在settings.py的INSTALLED_APPS中列出了'haystack',所以this solution似乎不适合我。我运行“import haystack”时也没有导入导入错误,所以它确实存在。我在我现有的项目中尝试了这个,以及为此而制作的一个全新的对象,我无法让它工作。

但是,当我在python manage.py shell之后导入haystack并尝试haystack.__version__时,我得到“AttributeError:'module'对象没有属性' version '”。如果我尝试haystack.management,我会收到类似的错误:它没有管理属性。


7 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:18)


答案 1 :(得分:2)

  1. 你的Python路径中有干草堆的路径吗? (PYTHONPATH shell变量或sys.path Python列表。)

  2. 您运行了python manage.py syncdb吗?

  3. python manage.py shell后跟import haystack工作吗?

  4. import haystack之后,您对haystack.__version__有什么看法?

  5. 在同一个shell中,键入以下内容。你有没有错误?

    • haystack.management.commands
    • haystack.management.commands.rebuild_index
    • haystack.management.commands.rebuild_index.Command.help

答案 2 :(得分:1)


easy_install https://github.com/toastdriven/django-haystack/zipball/v1.2.4


答案 3 :(得分:0)

我遇到了同样的问题 - 无论出于何种原因,pip中的干草堆版本已经过时(过去是v 0.6)。要使用django-haystack,请查看v1。 source


python setup.py build
python setup.py install


答案 4 :(得分:0)


答案 5 :(得分:0)

而不是使用CREATE TABLE ActivitySummary ( id int identity(1,1), activity_date date, activity varchar(100), paid_time decimal(5,2), unpaid_time decimal(5,2), total_time decimal(5,2) ) CREATE TABLE ActivitySummary_STG ( id int identity(1,1), activity_date date, activity varchar(100), paid_time decimal(5,2), unpaid_time decimal(5,2), total_time decimal(5,2) ) GO -- Simulate import of Excel sheet into staging table truncate table ActivitySummary_STG; GO INSERT INTO ActivitySummary_STG (activity_date, activity, paid_time, unpaid_time, total_time) select '8/14/17',null,null,null,null UNION ALL select null,'001 Lunch',0,4.4,4.4 UNION ALL select null,'002 Break',4.2,0,4.2 UNION ALL select null,'007 System Down',7.45,0,7.45 UNION ALL select null,'019 End of Work Day',0.02,0,0.02 UNION ALL select '8/15/17',null,null,null,null UNION ALL select null,'001 Lunch',0,4.45,4.45 UNION ALL select null,'002 Break',6.53,0,6.53 UNION ALL select null,'007 System Down',0.51,0,0.51 UNION ALL select null,'019 End of Work Day',0.02,0,0.02 GO -- Code to massage data declare @table_count int = (select COALESCE(count(id),0) from ActivitySummary_STG); declare @counter int = 1; declare @activity_date date, @current_date date; WHILE (@table_count > 0 AND @counter <= @table_count) BEGIN select @activity_date = activity_date from ActivitySummary_STG where id = @counter; if (@activity_date is not null) BEGIN set @current_date = @activity_date; delete from ActivitySummary_STG where id = @counter; END else BEGIN update ActivitySummary_STG SET activity_date = @current_date where id = @counter; END set @counter += 1; END INSERT INTO ActivitySummary (activity_date, activity, paid_time, unpaid_time, total_time) select activity_date, activity, paid_time, unpaid_time, total_time from ActivitySummary_STG; truncate table ActivitySummary_STG; GO select * from ActivitySummary; 尝试使用$('.button').click(function () { if ($('.one').hasClass('left')) { $('.one').addClass('right'); $('.one').removeClass('left'); } else { $('.one').addClass('left'); $('.one').removeClass('right'); } })

答案 6 :(得分:0)

只是这样做    pip uninstall haystack

pip install django-haystack