
时间:2019-07-01 23:44:42

标签: excel vba


Public Sub FitPic()
    On Error GoTo NOT_SHAPE
    Dim Pic As Object
    Dim PicWtoHRatio As Single
    Dim CellWtoHRatio As Single

    If TypeName(Selection) = "DrawingObjects" Then
        For Each Pic In Selection.ShapeRange
            FitIndividualPic Pic
        Next Pic
        FitIndividualPic Selection
    End If
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Select a picture before running this macro." & " Num" & Count
 End Sub

 Public Sub FitIndividualPic(Pic As Object)
    Dim Gap As Single
    Gap = 0.75
        With Pic
                Pic.Placement = xlMoveAndSize
            PicWtoHRatio = (.Width / .Height)
        End With
        With Pic.TopLeftCell
            CellWtoHRatio = .Width / .RowHeight
        End With
        Select Case PicWtoHRatio / CellWtoHRatio
        Case Is > 1
        With Pic
            .Width = .TopLeftCell.Width - Gap
            .Height = .Width / PicWtoHRatio - Gap
        End With
        Case Else
        With Pic
            .Height = .TopLeftCell.RowHeight - Gap
            .Width = .Height * PicWtoHRatio - Gap
        End With
        End Select
        With Pic
            .Top = .TopLeftCell.Top + Gap
            .Left = .TopLeftCell.Left + Gap
        End With
 End Sub


Sub ClickResizeImage()
Dim shp As Shape
    Dim big As Single, small As Single

    Dim shpDouH As Double, shpDouOriH As Double
    big = 8
    small = 1
    On Error Resume Next
    Set shp = ActiveSheet.Shapes(Application.Caller)
    With shp
        shpDouH = .Height
        .ScaleHeight 1, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
        shpDouOriH = .Height

        If Round(shpDouH / shpDouOriH, 2) = big Then
            .ScaleHeight small, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
            .ScaleWidth small, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
            .ZOrder msoSendToBack
            .ScaleHeight big, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
            .ScaleWidth big, msoTrue, msoScaleFromTopLeft
            .ZOrder msoBringToFront
        End If
    End With

End Sub

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

Dim Pic As Shape(从Object更改)。然后在FitIndividualPic PicSub FitPic()行之后立即添加以下代码: Pic.OnAction = "ClickResizeImage"


Public Sub FitPic()
    On Error GoTo NOT_SHAPE
    Dim Pic As Shape
    Dim PicWtoHRatio As Single
    Dim CellWtoHRatio As Single

    If TypeName(Selection) = "DrawingObjects" Then
        For Each Pic In Selection.ShapeRange
            FitIndividualPic Pic
            Pic.OnAction = "ClickResizeImage"
        Next Pic
        FitIndividualPic Selection
        Selection.OnAction = "ClickResizeImage" 'also assigns the macro to the Selection
    End If
Exit Sub
    MsgBox "Select a picture before running this macro." & " Num" & Count
 End Sub