def displayTestFiles(picks):
#The below code populates the test files with check boxes
rowIndex1 = 3
var1Index = 0
for pick in picks:
tempStore = IntVar()
chk = Checkbutton(root, text=pick, bg = "green", fg = "black", font ("Arial", 15), variable = var1[var1Index], command = displayTestFunctions).grid(row = rowIndex1, padx = 350, pady = 2, sticky= W)
rowIndex1 += 20
var1Index += 1
但是我想更新另一个函数中的行号以分层显示。当我这样做时:command = displayTestFunctions(rowIndex1),它正在发送rowIndex1,即拾取长度。我不想发生。因此,我实现了以下代码,但是当我单击复选按钮时,它没有发生。因此,当我在下面的代码中调用displayTestFunctions(rowIndex1List [i])时,有没有办法放置命令函数?
#This function displays checkbuttons
def displayTestFiles(picks):
#The below code populates the test files with check boxes
rowIndex1 = 3
rowIndex1List = []
var1Index = 0
for pick in picks:
tempStore = IntVar()
chk = Checkbutton(root, text=pick, bg = "green", fg = "black", font = ("Arial", 15), variable = var1[var1Index]).grid(row = rowIndex1, padx = 350, pady = 2, sticky= W)
rowIndex1 += 20
var1Index += 1
for i in range(len(var1)):
我想更新另一个函数“ displayTestFunctions”中的行号。
def displayTestFunctions():
for i in range(len(var1)):
if var1[i].get() == 1:
#The below code populates the test functions with check boxes of a particular test file selected
with open("{}.py".format(tests[i][1]), "r") as fp:
line = fp.readline()
functionIndex = 0
while line:
line = fp.readline()
if "def" in line:
if "test_" in line:
functionList.append([functionIndex, line.strip("# def:\n ( )")])
functionIndex += 1
index2 = 4
j = 0
for funcList in functionList:
stateStore = IntVar()
chk = Checkbutton(root, text = funcList, bg = "yellow", fg = "black", font = ("Arial", 15), variable = var2[j]).grid(row=index2, padx = 450, pady = 2, sticky= W)
index2 += 1
j += 1