我要保存每个模型(具有不同超参数的LSTM)以及每个时期(带有“ ModelCheckpoint”)。现在,我可以只显示一个模型的预测,但是我想在一个图表中查看每个模型。希望您能帮助我,谢谢。
path = 'model_1.h5'
from keras.models import load_model
model = load_model(path)
start = 60*0
n_minutes = 60*1
ts_offset = (5+5) #5min lookback + 5min prediction
pred = own_function_to_get_prediction(model, scaler, test_x, test_y, n_start_minutes=start, n_mintes=start+n_minutes-ts_offset)
for p in pred['period'].unique():
def own_function_to_get_prediction(model, scaler, test_x, test_y, n_start_minutes=0, n_mintes=60*4):
n_start_minutes: Starting point of set.
n_minutes: minutes to be predicted.
n_samples = int(n_mintes*60/3)
n_start = int(n_start_minutes*60/3)
step = test_y.shape[1]
res = pd.DataFrame()
#print((n_start, n_samples, step))
for i in range(n_start, n_samples, step):
test_x_rescaled, test_y_rescaled, yhat_rescaled, rmse = plot_prediction(model, scaler, test_x, test_y, sample=i)
time = test_x_rescaled[-1][1]
hour = int(time)
minute = int((time % hour) * 60)
second = int(((time % hour) * 60 - minute) * 60)
start_time = pd.to_datetime(datetime.datetime(2019, 1, 1, hour, minute, second))
for ts in range(len(test_y_rescaled)):
res.loc[i+ts, 'date_time'] = start_time + pd.DateOffset(seconds=3*(ts))
#print(start_time + pd.DateOffset(seconds=3*(i+ts)))
res.loc[i+ts, 'Actual'] = test_y_rescaled[ts]
res.loc[i+ts, 'Predicted'] = yhat_rescaled[ts]
res.loc[i+ts, 'period'] = i
res.index = res['date_time']
del res['date_time']
return res
def plot_prediction(model, scaler, test_x, test_y, sample=0):
test_x = np.array(test_x[sample:(sample+1)])
test_y = np.array(test_y[sample:(sample+1)])
yhat = np.transpose(model.predict(test_x))
yhat = np.append(yhat, np.empty([test_y.shape[1],test_x.shape[2]-1+1]), 1)
yhat = scaler.inverse_transform(yhat)[:,0]
test_y = np.append(test_y.reshape(test_y.shape[1],1), np.empty([test_y.shape[1],test_x.shape[2]-1+1]), 1)
test_y = scaler.inverse_transform(test_y)[:,0]
rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(yhat, test_y))
test_x = scaler.inverse_transform(np.append(test_x[0], np.empty([test_x.shape[1],1]), 1))
return test_x, test_y, yhat, rmse