
时间:2019-06-26 07:42:08

标签: python text-mining


目标是编写一个函数,该函数接收用户文本作为输入,并返回引用您所请求的餐点和数量的文本片段(块)。不必在此功能之前构建意图的分类器,也不是本练习的目的,而仅仅是我们假定会接收意图为“ Order_food”的短语的功能。标准化输出也不是客观的(例如,没有必要将“ 3”转换为“ 3”或将“ pizza”转换为“ pizza”)。因此,这是最低要求。

Por ejemplo:“ quiero 3 bocadillos de anchoas y 2比萨饼”→

 {comida:'bocadillo', ingrediente:'anchoas', cantidad:3},
 {comida:'pizza', ingrediente:'null', cantidad:2}

因此,该函数的输出将是一个包含2个元素(食物和数量)的字典的数组。当未检测到金额时,其值将默认设置为“ 1”。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



  1. 请给我两个三明治和一个比萨饼


请/ NN Give / VBP me / PRP 2 / CD三明治/ NNS和/ CC a / DT披萨/ NN

  1. 请给我三个三明治和比萨饼

请/ NN Give / VBP me / PRP 3 / CD三明治/ NNS和/ CC披萨/ NNS

使用标签i将清除该语句。 (保持/ CD,/ DT,/ NN和/ NNS)

  1. 请/ NN 2 / CD三明治/ NNS a / DT比萨/ NN
  2. 请/ NN 3个/ CD三明治/ NNS披萨/ NNS

找到/ CD的第一个匹配项,如果不是/ DT的第一个匹配项,或者不是/ NN的第一个。

  1. 2 / CD三明治/ NNS a / DT比萨/ NN
  2. 三个/ CD三明治/ NNS披萨/ NNS

将/ DT视为1,并且如果/ NN和/ NNS之间没有/ CD和/ DT,那么我会认为它们之间为1


  1. 2个,三明治,1个披萨
  2. 三个,三明治,1个披萨

这只是一个示例,它将使您开始学习,并且存在许多缺陷,例如基于传递的字符串多次出现/ NN或/ NNS。也是传递字符串的语言。



mySentance = [('please', 'VB'), ('give', 'VB'), ('me', 'PRP'), ('2', 'CD'), ('sandwiches', 'NNS'), ('and', 'CC'), ('a', 'DT'), ('pizzas', 'NN')]
newData = ""
StartCapture = "No"

for i in range(len(mySentance)):
    if mySentance[i][1] == "CD" or mySentance[i][1] == "DT":
        StartCapture = "Yes"

    if StartCapture == "Yes":

        if mySentance[i][1] == "CD":
            newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "

        if mySentance[i][1] == "DT":    
            newData = newData + "1 "

        if mySentance[i][1] == "NN":
            newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "

        if mySentance[i][1] == "NNS":    
            newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "

结果: 2个三明治1个比萨饼

答案 1 :(得分:0)

Thank you Vishal. 
see my code. i need to improve.

#Import required modules
import nltk
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer
from nltk.stem import PorterStemmer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet
from nltk.corpus import stopwords

def chunk_texto(text):
    tokens = nltk.word_tokenize(text)
    mySentance = nltk.pos_tag(tokens)
    newData = ""
    StartCapture = "No"

    stopwords = {'de'}


    for i in range(len(mySentance)):
        if mySentance[i][1] == "CD" or mySentance[i][1] == "DT":
            StartCapture = "Yes"

        if StartCapture == "Yes":
            if mySentance[i][1] == "NN":
               # newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "
               newData =  " Comida: "+mySentance[i][0]+", " + newData + " "

            if mySentance[i][1] == "NNS":    
                #newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "
                newData =  " Comida: "+mySentance[i][0] +", "+ newData + " "

            if mySentance[i][1] == "FW" and mySentance[i][0] not in stopwords:
               # newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "
               newData =  " ingrediente: "+mySentance[i][0]+", " + newData + " "

            if mySentance[i][1] == "CD":
                #newData = newData + mySentance[i][0] + " "
                newData =  " Quantidade: " + mySentance[i][0] +", "+ newData + " "

            if mySentance[i][1] == "DT":       
                newData = newData + "1 "

    print(newData +'\n')

print(chunk_texto("quiero 3 bocadillos de anchoas y 2 pizzas"))

The result is:

Comida: pizzas,  Quantidade: 2,  ingrediente: anchoas,  Comida: bocadillos,  
Quantidade: 3,      

but I want the result in this way:

{comida:'bocadillo', ingrediente:'anchoas', Quantidade:3},
{comida:'pizza', ingrediente:'null', Quantidade:2}

    enter code here