
时间:2019-06-25 17:42:07

标签: email gmail google-calendar-api email-templates




<body bgcolor="black" text="white" link="#00ffff" vlink="green" alink="yellow">
var clientId = 'YOUR_CLIENT_ID HERE'; //choose web app client Id, redirect URI and Javascript origin set to http://localhost
var apiKey = 'YOUR_APIKEY_HERE'; //choose public apiKey, any IP allowed (leave blank the allowed IP boxes in Google Dev Console)
var userEmail = "YOUR_ADDRESS@gmail.com"; //your calendar Id
var userTimeZone = "YOUR_TIME_ZONE_HERE"; //example "Rome" "Los_Angeles" ecc...
var maxRows = 10; //events to shown
var calName = "YOUR CALENDAR NAME"; //name of calendar (write what you want, doesn't matter)
var scopes = 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/calendar';
//--------------------- Add a 0 to numbers
function padNum(num) {
    if (num <= 9) {
        return "0" + num;
    return num;
//--------------------- end    
//--------------------- From 24h to Am/Pm
function AmPm(num) {
    if (num <= 12) { return "am " + num; }
    return "pm " + padNum(num - 12);
//--------------------- end    

//--------------------- num Month to String
function monthString(num) {
         if (num === "01") { return "JAN"; } 
    else if (num === "02") { return "FEB"; } 
    else if (num === "03") { return "MAR"; } 
    else if (num === "04") { return "APR"; } 
    else if (num === "05") { return "MAJ"; } 
    else if (num === "06") { return "JUN"; } 
    else if (num === "07") { return "JUL"; } 
    else if (num === "08") { return "AUG"; } 
    else if (num === "09") { return "SEP"; } 
    else if (num === "10") { return "OCT"; } 
    else if (num === "11") { return "NOV"; } 
    else if (num === "12") { return "DEC"; }
//--------------------- end

//--------------------- from num to day of week
function dayString(num){
         if (num == "1") { return "mon" }
    else if (num == "2") { return "tue" }
    else if (num == "3") { return "wed" }
    else if (num == "4") { return "thu" }
    else if (num == "5") { return "fri" }
    else if (num == "6") { return "sat" }
    else if (num == "0") { return "sun" }
//--------------------- end

//--------------------- client CALL
function handleClientLoad() {
//--------------------- end

//--------------------- check Auth
function checkAuth() {
    gapi.auth.authorize({client_id: clientId, scope: scopes, immediate: true}, handleAuthResult);
//--------------------- end

//--------------------- handle result and make CALL
function handleAuthResult(authResult) {
    if (authResult) {
//--------------------- end

//--------------------- API CALL itself
function makeApiCall() {
    var today = new Date(); //today date
    gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', function () {
        var request = gapi.client.calendar.events.list({
            'calendarId' : userEmail,
            'timeZone' : userTimeZone, 
            'singleEvents': true, 
            'timeMin': today.toISOString(), //gathers only events not happened yet
            'maxResults': maxRows, 
            'orderBy': 'startTime'});
    request.execute(function (resp) {
            for (var i = 0; i < resp.items.length; i++) {
                var li = document.createElement('li');
                var item = resp.items[i];
                var classes = [];
                var allDay = item.start.date? true : false;
                var startDT = allDay ? item.start.date : item.start.dateTime;
                var dateTime = startDT.split("T"); //split date from time
                var date = dateTime[0].split("-"); //split yyyy mm dd
                var startYear = date[0];
                var startMonth = monthString(date[1]);
                var startDay = date[2];
                var startDateISO = new Date(startMonth + " " + startDay + ", " + startYear + " 00:00:00");
                var startDayWeek = dayString(startDateISO.getDay());
                if( allDay == true){ //change this to match your needs
                    var str = [
                    '<font size="4" face="courier">',
                    startDayWeek, ' ',
                    startMonth, ' ',
                    startDay, ' ',
                    startYear, '</font><font size="5" face="courier"> @ ', item.summary , '</font><br><br>'
                    var time = dateTime[1].split(":"); //split hh ss etc...
                    var startHour = AmPm(time[0]);
                    var startMin = time[1];
                    var str = [ //change this to match your needs
                        '<font size="4" face="courier">',
                        startDayWeek, ' ',
                        startMonth, ' ',
                        startDay, ' ',
                        startYear, ' - ',
                        startHour, ':', startMin, '</font><font size="5" face="courier"> @ ', item.summary , '</font><br><br>'
                li.innerHTML = str.join('');
                li.setAttribute('class', classes.join(' '));
        document.getElementById('updated').innerHTML = "updated " + today;
        document.getElementById('calendar').innerHTML = calName;
//--------------------- end
<script src='https://apis.google.com/js/client.js?onload=handleClientLoad'></script>
    <div id='content'>
    <h1 id='calendar' style="color:grey">LOADING . . . .</h1>
    <ul id='events'></ul>
    <p id='updated' style="font-size:12; color:grey">updating . . . . .</p>

这几乎解决了我的问题,但是我想知道如果我从与要从中提取信息的日历相关联的电子邮件地址发送电子邮件,是否可以避免使用“ var clientId”和“ var apiKey”?还是有资源说明如何安全地使用此代码?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

如果您创建Apps脚本代码,则可以避免使用clientID和API密钥,共享的代码是创建Web应用程序,因为它在Google Services外部,因此需要clientId和API密钥。

有关Google Apps脚本的更多详细信息,您可以检查https://developers.google.com/apps-script/https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/calendar/的日历。