我已经可以引用Google表格页面并调用addRow(“ row#”,“ {key:index}”)函数,该函数将输入的变量添加到excel页面。在实际文档范围之外时,如何调用同一命令?
doc.useServiceAccountAuth(creds, function(err) {
//get all te rows and shit
doc.getRows(1, function (err, rows) {
//this is a test call of the function which works- I now want to pass it in variables from a user inputted form.
submitInfo(doc, 'tabletop fun', 'to have fun', '30', 'will do homework', 'TRUE', '50', 'FALSE')
//call this when a form is submitted
function submitInfo(doc, activity, description, time, task_for_completion, experience, amount, completed) {
doc.getRows(1, function(err, rows) {
nextRow = rows.length+1;
doc.addRow(1, { activityID: nextRow, activity: activity, description: description, time: time, task_for_completion: task_for_completion, experience:experience, amount:amount, completed:completed}, function(err) {
if(err) {