
时间:2019-06-19 19:56:46

标签: excel vba




Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim selectedWorksheet As Worksheet
Dim numItems As Integer
Dim numOfIdentifiers As Integer
Dim identArray() As String
Dim itemsFoundL() As String
Dim itemsSoldL() As Integer
Dim identifiers As Range
Dim ident As Range
Dim upperBound As String
Dim lowerBound As String
Dim foodLBound As String
Dim foodUBound As String
Dim nonFoodLBound As String
Dim nonFoodUBound As String
Dim foodNameColumn As String
Dim foodSoldColumn As String
Dim nonFoodNameColumn As String
Dim nonFoodSoldColumn As String

Dim sheetName As Range
Dim i As Integer

upperBound = Range("J1").Value
lowerBound = Range("I1").Value

foodLBound = Range("I3").Value
foodUBound = Range("J3").Value

nonFoodLBound = Range("I4").Value
nonFoodUBound = Range("J4").Value

foodNameColumn = Range("I5").Value
foodSoldColumn = Range("I6").Value

nonFoodNameColumn = Range("I8").Value
nonFoodSoldColumn = Range("I9").Value

Set sheetName = Range("I2")
Set identifiers = Range(lowerBound, upperBound)
Set selectedWorksheet = ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(CStr(sheetName))

numOfIdentifiers = identifiers.Count
ReDim identArray(0 To numOfIdentifiers - 1)

i = 0
For Each ident In identifiers

identArray(i) = ident.Value
i = i + 1
Next ident

For i = 0 To numOfIdentifiers - 1

numItems = CInt(numberOfItems(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i),  foodLBound, foodUBound))
If numItems = 0 Then

numItems = CInt(numberOfItems(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i),    nonFoodLBound, nonFoodUBound))
numItems = numItems - 1
ReDim itemsFoundL(0 To numItems)
ReDim itemsSoldL(0 To numItems)

itemsFoundL = itemsFound(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i), nonFoodLBound,    nonFoodUBound, numItems, nonFoodNameColumn)
itemsSoldL = itemsSoldFound(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i), nonFoodLBound, nonFoodUBound, numItems, nonFoodSoldColumn)


numItems = numItems - 1
ReDim itemsFoundL(0 To numItems)
ReDim itemsSoldL(0 To numItems)

 itemsFoundL = itemsFound(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i), foodLBound,    foodUBound, numItems, foodNameColumn)
 itemsSoldL = itemsSoldFound(selectedWorksheet, identArray(i), foodLBound, foodUBound, numItems, foodSoldColumn)

 End If

 Call CreateCharts(itemsFoundL, itemsSoldL, identArray(i), numItems)

Next i

End Sub 


 Function CreateCharts(items As Variant, itemsSold As Variant, chartTitle As String, itemCount As Integer)

 If itemCount > 0 Then

ActiveChart.ChartType = xlBarStacked
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).XValues = items
ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = itemsSold
ActiveChart.ChartArea.Format.TextFrame2.TextRange.Font.Name = "Arial"
With ActiveChart

.HasLegend = False
.HasTitle = True
.chartTitle.Text = chartTitle

End With

End If

End Function

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