
时间:2019-06-17 19:54:23

标签: java algorithm tree time-complexity ancestor



  • 找到两个节点中每个节点的深度:p,q
  • 计算深度的差异
  • 在较浅的节点处设置一个指针,在较深的节点处设置一个指针
  • 将较深的节点指针向上移动德尔塔,以便我们可以从相同的高度开始遍历
  • 递归地访问两个指针的部分节点,直到我们到达第一个共同祖先之外的同一节点
import com.foo.graphstrees.BinaryTreeNodeWithParent;

   Find the first common ancestor to 2 nodes in a binary tree.
public class FirstCommonAncestorFinder {

    public BinaryTreeNodeWithParent find(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent p, BinaryTreeNodeWithParent q) {

        int delta = depth(p) - depth(q);
        BinaryTreeNodeWithParent first = delta > 0 ? q: p; // use shallower node
        BinaryTreeNodeWithParent second = delta > 0 ? p: q; //use deeper

        second = goUp(second, delta); // move up so they are level, if 1 node is deeper in the tree than the other, their common ancestor obviously cannot be below the shallower node, so we start them off at the same height in the tree

        //keep going up the tree, once first == second, stop
        while(!first.equals(second) && first !=null && second !=null) {
            first = first.getParent();
            second = second.getParent();

        return first == null || second == null ? null : first;


    private int depth(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent n) {
        int depth = 0;
        while (n != null) {
            n = n.getParent();
        return depth;

    private BinaryTreeNodeWithParent goUp(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node, int delta) {

        while (delta > 0 && node != null) {
            node = node.getParent();
        return node;


  • 验证两个节点(p,q)是否存在于从根节点开始的树中
  • 遍历子树,确认q不是p的子代,p不是q的子代
  • 递归检查p的连续父节点的子树,直到找到q
import com.foo.graphstrees.BinaryTreeNodeWithParent;

public class FirstCommonAncestorImproved {

    public BinaryTreeNodeWithParent find(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent root,
                                         BinaryTreeNodeWithParent a,
                                         BinaryTreeNodeWithParent b) {

        if (!covers(root, a) || !covers(root, b)) {
            return null;
        } else if (covers(a, b)) {
            return a;
        } else if (covers(b, a)) {
            return b;

        var sibling = getSibling(a);
        var parent = a.getParent();

        while (!covers(sibling, b)) {
            sibling = getSibling(parent);
            parent = parent.getParent();
        return parent;

    private BinaryTreeNodeWithParent getSibling(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node) {
        if (node == null || node.getParent() == null) return null;
        var parent = node.getParent();
        return node.equals(parent.getLeft()) ? node.getRight() : node.getLeft();

    private boolean covers(BinaryTreeNodeWithParent root,
                           BinaryTreeNodeWithParent node) {

        if (root == null) return false;
        if (root.equals(node)) return true;
        return covers(root.getLeft(), node) || covers(root.getRight(), node);


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)





Set<Node> visited = new HashSet<>();
while (a != null && b != null) {
  if (visited.contains(a)) return a;
  if (visited.contains(b)) return b;
  a = a.parent();
  b = b.parent();
while (a != null) {
  if (visited.contains(a)) return a;
  a = a.parent();
while (b != null) {
  if (visited.contains(b)) return b;
  b = b.parent();
return null;