我正在使用Mark Bertenshaw的帖子中的代码:VB6 -- using POST & GET from URL and displaying in VB6 Form
m_sOutput = StrConv(AsyncProp.Value, vbUnicode)
从http请求返回的数据非常简单{{response“:2},或{” response“:6}等。
Option Explicit
Private Const m_ksProperty_Default As String = ""
Private m_sHost As String
Private m_nPort As Long
Private m_sPath As String
Private m_dctQueryStringParameters As Scripting.Dictionary
Private m_sOutput As String
' Ensure that all parts of the query string are deleted.
Public Sub ClearQueryString()
Set m_dctQueryStringParameters = New Scripting.Dictionary
End Sub
' Executes "GET" method for URL.
Public Function Get_() As String
' Read in data from URL. UserControl_AsyncReadComplete will fire when finished.
UserControl.AsyncRead "http://" & m_sHost & ":" & CStr(m_nPort) & "" & m_sPath & "?" & GetQueryString(), vbAsyncTypeByteArray, m_ksProperty_Default, vbAsyncReadSynchronousDownload
' Return the contents of the buffer.
Get_ = m_sOutput
' Clear down state.
m_sOutput = vbNullString
End Function
' Returns query string based on dictionary.
Private Function GetQueryString() As String
Dim vName As Variant
Dim sQueryString As String
For Each vName In m_dctQueryStringParameters
sQueryString = sQueryString & CStr(vName) & "=" & m_dctQueryStringParameters.Item(vName) & "&"
Next vName
GetQueryString = Left$(sQueryString, Len(sQueryString) - 1)
End Function
' Sets the remote host.
Public Property Let Host(ByVal the_sValue As String)
m_sHost = the_sValue
End Property
' Sets the directory and filename part of the URL.
Public Property Let Path(ByVal the_sValue As String)
m_sPath = the_sValue
End Property
' Sets the port number for this request.
Public Property Let Port(ByVal the_nValue As Long)
m_nPort = the_nValue
End Property
' Sets a name/value pair in the query string. Supports duplicate names.
Public Property Let QueryStringParameter(ByVal the_sName As String, ByVal the_sValue As String)
m_dctQueryStringParameters.Item(the_sName) = the_sValue
End Property
' Fired when the download is complete.
Private Sub UserControl_AsyncReadComplete(AsyncProp As AsyncProperty)
' Gets the data from the internet transfer.
m_sOutput = StrConv(AsyncProp.Value, vbUnicode)
End Sub
Private Sub UserControl_Initialize()
' Initialises the scripting dictionary.
Set m_dctQueryStringParameters = New Scripting.Dictionary
End Sub
Private Sub cmdCheckNow_Click()
On Error GoTo err_trap
Call hideCheckNow
QProGIF1.Visible = True
Call DeleteUrlCacheEntry("http://mysite.co.uk/mobicleanud/chkupdates.php")
HttpService.Host = "mysite.co.uk"
HttpService.Port = 80
HttpService.Path = "/thefolder/chkupdates.php"
HttpService.QueryStringParameter("license") = licensekey
HttpService.QueryStringParameter("vers") = "SOFTWARE2"
HttpService.QueryStringParameter("appmajor") = App.Major
HttpService.QueryStringParameter("appminor") = App.Minor
HttpService.QueryStringParameter("apprevis") = App.Revision
txtOutput.Text = HttpService.Get_
If txtOutput.Text = "" Or IsNull(txtOutput.Text) Or txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "9" & "})" Then
frmError.lblErrorMessage.Caption = "Licensing Server cannot validate the License Number! Error (9) - Please try again."
frmError.Show vbModal
Call showCheckNow
QProGIF1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
If txtOutput.Text = "" Or IsNull(txtOutput.Text) Or txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "8" & "})" Then
frmError.lblErrorMessage.Caption = "Licensing Server cannot validate the License Number! Error (8) - Please try again."
frmError.Show vbModal
Call showCheckNow
QProGIF1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
If txtOutput.Text = "" Or IsNull(txtOutput.Text) Or txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "7" & "})" Then
frmError.lblErrorMessage.Caption = "Licensing Server cannot validate the License Number! Error (7) - Please try again."
frmError.Show vbModal
Call showCheckNow
QProGIF1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
If txtOutput.Text = "" Or IsNull(txtOutput.Text) Or txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "6" & "})" Then
frmError.lblErrorMessage.Caption = "Licensing Server cannot validate the License Number! Error (6) - Please try again."
frmError.Show vbModal
Call showCheckNow
QProGIF1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
QProGIF1.Visible = False
If txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "2" & "})" Then
lblchecked.Caption = "Your License was validated and there is a new version of Mobiclean Pro available to Download and Install."
lblchecked.Visible = True
QProGIF1.Visible = False
cmdGet.Visible = True
Exit Sub
End If
If txtOutput.Text = "({" & Chr(34) & "response" & Chr(34) & ":" & "3" & "})" Then
lblchecked.Caption = "Your License was validated. You have the latest version of Mobiclean Pro - No Update available."
lblchecked.Visible = True
QProGIF1.Visible = False
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
frmError.lblErrorMessage.Caption = "An error has occurred - Code: " & Err.Number & " Description: " & Err.description
frmError.Show vbModal
Resume exit_sub
End Sub
如果基于64位Win 10构建
如果基于32Bit win 10构建并读取文件并继续没有问题,则没有错误消息