Source Data
FirstName LastName Department Salary
John Boone Developer 100
Albert Post Manager 500
Benjamin Nayyar Developer 100
public class MyGroup
public int RowIndex { get; set; } // Row Index
public int ColumnIndex { get; set; } // Column Index
public object ColumnValue { get; set; } // Column Value
class A
List<MyGroup> objMyGrp = new List<MyGroup>();
int iGrpCount = 0;
objMyGrp[iGrpCount].RowIndex = excelCell.RowIndex;
objMyGrp[iGrpCount].ColumnIndex = excelCell.ColumnIndex;
objMyGrp[iGrpCount].ColumnValue = excelCell.Value.ToString();
Expected output :-
RowIndex ColumnIndex ColumnValue
1 1 John
1 2 Boone
1 3 Developer
1 4 100
2 1 Albert
2 2 Post
2 3 Manager
2 4 500
3 1 Benjamin
3 2 Nayyar
3 3 Developer
3 4 100
错误:- 索引超出范围。必须为非负数并且小于集合的大小。 参数名称:索引
对象objMGrp是一个收集对象,它将以递增顺序存储行索引号,列索引号和列值。 我将不得不使用该对象来对值进行排序和验证。
答案 0 :(得分:0)
public class A
// Private internal variables of this class
List<MyGroup> objMyGrp = new List<MyGroup>();
int iGrpCount = 0;
// This method adds a MyGroup instance to the collection
public void SomeMethod()
// Some default values. You can pass parameters to this method
// and then use parameters to initialize the MyGroup instance
MyGroup grp = new MyGroup();
grp.RowIndex = 0;
grp.ColumnIndex = 0;
grp.ObjectValue = null;
public void SomeOtherMethod(int grpIndex)
// Now you could try to change any MyGroup instance stored in the
// collection to your desidered rowIndex
if(grpIndex < iGrpCount)
objMyGrp[grpIndex].RowIndex = 2;