`SELECT list is not in GROUP BY clause and contains nonaggregated column '.id' which is not functionally dependent on columns in GROUP BY clause; this is incompatible with sql_mode=only_full_group_by`
dist <- seq(0, 60, 15)
obs <- as.matrix(dat[, 1:4])
site_covs <- data.frame(shrub = dat[, c("d.shrub")], light=dat[, c("light")])
umf<-unmarkedFrameDS(y = obs, siteCovs = site_covs, dist.breaks = c(dist),
survey = "point", unitsIn = "m")
hn.l.s <- distsamp(~light~shrub, umf, keyfun = "halfnorm", output = "density",
unitsOut = "ha")
pred.hn.l.s <- predict(hn.l.s, "state", se.fit = TRUE)
backTransform(hn.l.s, type = "state")
“ x”和“ y”的长度不同