我需要一个装饰器,它可以收集给定功能的使用情况统计信息,但也可以在代码中动态切换。我在SO上找到了一个示例-toggling decorators
import functools
class SwitchedDecorator:
def __init__(self, enabled_func):
self._enabled = False
self._enabled_func = enabled_func
def enabled(self):
return self._enabled
def enabled(self, new_value):
if not isinstance(new_value, bool):
raise ValueError("enabled can only be set to a boolean value")
self._enabled = new_value
def __call__(self, target):
if self._enabled:
return self._enabled_func(target)
return target
def deco_func(target):
"""This is the actual decorator function. It's written just like any other decorator."""
def g(*args,**kwargs):
print("your function has been wrapped")
return target(*args,**kwargs)
functools.update_wrapper(g, target)
return g
# This is where we wrap our decorator in the SwitchedDecorator class.
my_decorator = SwitchedDecorator(deco_func)
# Now my_decorator functions just like the deco_func decorator,
# EXCEPT that we can turn it on and off.
def example1():
print("example1 function")
# we'll now disable my_decorator. Any subsequent uses will not
# actually decorate the target function.
def example2():
print("example2 function")
def decoratorFunctionWithArguments(arg1, arg2):
def wrap(f):
print "Inside wrap()"
def wrapped_f(*args):
print "Inside wrapped_f()"
print "Decorator arguments:", arg1, arg2
print "After f(*args)"
return wrapped_f
return wrap