I am currently working with a REST server with Java especially Jersey and Hibernate for persistence. I also have a Postgresql database.
I own a table "pictures" with the following structure :
My java class is:
public class Picture implements Serializable {
private Long numero;
@JsonFormat(pattern = "dd.MM.yyyy")
private LocalDate register;
private byte[] picture;
private String mime;
private Owner owner;
My mapping orm:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<entity class="Picture">
<table name="pictures"/>
<id name="numero">
<column name="numero"/>
<generated-value strategy="IDENTITY"/>
<basic name="register">
<column name="register" nullable="true"/>
<basic name="mime">
<column name="mime" nullable="false"/>
<many-to-one name="owner">
<join-column name="owner_id"/>
My persistence class:
public Set<Picture> getPictures(Long ownerId){
return inTransaction(() ->{
Owner owner = getEntityManager().find(Owner.class, ownerId);
List<Picture> pictures = owner.getPictures();
return new HashSet<>(pictures);
To test, I directly added an image in my database using DataGrip (Button add "load file").
Then, I make a select: select picture from pictures
When I make my request with postman, I get a table of bytes but it is not the same as with the select.
Moreover when I test my results with a utility like: https://base64.guru/converter/decode/image. They are in "text / plain" instead of "image / png".
My question is: How to correctly manage the bytea so jersey sends me a usable array of bytes?