Typescript error for Material-ui's CardActionArea component property

时间:2019-05-31 11:40:19

标签: reactjs typescript material-ui react-router-dom

The Material-ui Buttons | Third party routing library documentation states that we need to make an adaptor do encapsulate a react-router-dom/Link component into a Button. But doing the same with a CardActionArea (which is a BaseButton, according to the docs) gives the following Typescript error:

main.tsx:24:10 - error TS2322: Type '{ children: Element; component: ForwardRefExoticComponent<LinkProps & RefAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>>; to: string; }' is not assignable to type 'IntrinsicAttributes & CardActionAreaProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.
  Property 'component' does not exist on type 'IntrinsicAttributes & CardActionAreaProps & { children?: ReactNode; }'.

14         <CardActionArea component={AdapterLink} to="/foo">

The code works nonetheless. Here is a minimal example showing the error message on line 14:

Note: there is an error on line 6 because Codesandbox is running eslint in a TypeScript file, so just ignore that.


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<CardActionArea {...{ component: Link, to }}>