我有Laravel 5.8和最新的Laravel文件管理器:https://github.com/UniSharp/laravel-filemanager 我将此组件与CKEditor一起使用。
| Documentation for this config :
| online => http://unisharp.github.io/laravel-filemanager/config
| offline => vendor/unisharp/laravel-filemanager/docs/config.md
return [
| Routing
'use_package_routes' => true,
// // Use relative paths (without domain)
// 'relative_paths' => false,
| Multi-User Mode
'allow_multi_user' => false,
'allow_share_folder' => false,
| Folder Names
// Flexible way to customize client folders accessibility
// If you want to customize client folders, publish tag="lfm_handler"
// Then you can rewrite userField function in App\Handler\ConfigHandler class
// And set 'user_field' to App\Handler\ConfigHandler::class
// Ex: The private folder of user will be named as the user id.
'user_folder_name' => UniSharp\LaravelFilemanager\Handlers\ConfigHandler::class,
'shared_folder_name' => '',
'thumb_folder_name' => '',
'images_dir' => '',
'images_url' => '/',
'files_dir' => '/',
'files_url' => '/',
'folder_categories' => [
'file' => [
'folder_name' => '/txt',
'startup_view' => 'grid',
'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB
'valid_mime' => [
'image' => [
'folder_name' => '/photos',
'startup_view' => 'list',
'max_size' => 50000, // size in KB
'valid_mime' => [
| Upload / Validation
'disk' => 'upload',
'rename_file' => false,
'alphanumeric_filename' => true,
'alphanumeric_directory' => true,
'should_validate_size' => false,
'should_validate_mime' => true,
// permissions to be set when create a new folder or when it creates automatically with thumbnails
'create_folder_mode' => 0755,
// permissions to be set on file upload.
'create_file_mode' => 0644,
// If true, it will attempt to chmod the file after upload
'should_change_file_mode' => true,
// behavior on files with identical name
// setting it to true cause old file replace with new one
// setting it to false show `error-file-exist` error and stop upload
'over_write_on_duplicate' => false,
| Thumbnail
// If true, image thumbnails would be created during upload
'should_create_thumbnails' => false,
// Create thumbnails automatically only for listed types.
'raster_mimetypes' => [
'thumb_img_width' => 200,
'thumb_img_height' => 200,
| jQuery UI options
'resize_aspectRatio' => true,
'resize_containment' => true,
| File Extension Information
'file_type_array' => [
'pdf' => 'Adobe Acrobat',
'doc' => 'Microsoft Word',
'docx' => 'Microsoft Word',
'xls' => 'Microsoft Excel',
'xlsx' => 'Microsoft Excel',
'zip' => 'Archive',
'gif' => 'GIF Image',
'jpg' => 'JPEG Image',
'jpeg' => 'JPEG Image',
'png' => 'PNG Image',
'ppt' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',
'pptx' => 'Microsoft PowerPoint',
'file_icon_array' => [
'pdf' => 'fa-file-pdf-o',
'doc' => 'fa-file-word-o',
'docx' => 'fa-file-word-o',
'xls' => 'fa-file-excel-o',
'xlsx' => 'fa-file-excel-o',
'zip' => 'fa-file-archive-o',
'gif' => 'fa-file-image-o',
'jpg' => 'fa-file-image-o',
'jpeg' => 'fa-file-image-o',
'png' => 'fa-file-image-o',
'ppt' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o',
'pptx' => 'fa-file-powerpoint-o',
| php.ini override
| These values override your php.ini settings before uploading files
| Set these to false to ingnore and apply your php.ini settings
| Please note that the 'upload_max_filesize' & 'post_max_size'
| directives are not supported.
'php_ini_overrides' => [
'memory_limit' => '256M',
and filesystem.php
'upload' => [
'driver' => 'local',
'root' => public_path('upload/web'),
'url' => env('APP_URL').'/upload/web',
我想将文件添加到public / upload / txt目录
在创建新目录(例如名称为SUMMER)时-位于公共/上传/网络/文本/夏天。还行吧。当我向该目录添加新文件时,Laravel File Manager会创建一个名为summerhttp /的新文件,并在其中添加更多文件夹:domain.test / upload / web / txt / fwfewfwe / myfile.jpg