我需要使用管道(不是FIFO)创建一个客户机/服务器程序,其中用户输入文件名和八进制权限,并且如果八进制文件权限与输入相同,则服务器返回“ YES”,否则返回“ NO”
我创建了2个管道,一个用于file_name,另一个用于八进制。我不知道如何在C ++中验证文件的属性。这是我制作的第一个管道程序,因此我认为我可能会遇到很多错误。感谢您的支持!
#include <sys/stat.h>
int main()
// We use two pipes
// First pipe to send input string from parent
// Second pipe to send concatenated string from child
int fd1[2]; // Used to store two ends of first pipe
int fd2[2]; // Used to store two ends of second pipe
char octal[7];
char input_str[100];
pid_t p;
if (pipe(fd1)==-1)
fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Failed" );
return 1;
if (pipe(fd2)==-1)
fprintf(stderr, "Pipe Failed" );
return 1;
scanf("%s", input_str);
scanf("%d", octal);
p = fork();
if (p < 0)
fprintf(stderr, "fork Failed" );
return 1;
// Parent process
else if (p > 0)
char answear[100];
close(fd1[0]); // Close reading end of first pipe
// Write input string and close writing end of first
// pipe.
write(fd1[1], input_str, strlen(input_str)+1);
write(fd2[1], octal, 7);
// Wait for child to send a string
// Read string from child, print it and close
// reading end.
read(fd2[0], answear, 100);
printf("The answear is %s\n", answear);
// child process
close(fd1[1]); // Close writing end of first pipe
close(fd2[1]); // Close writing end of secound pipe
// Read a string using first pipe
char file_name[100];
read(fd1[0], file_name, 100);
// Read a int using secound pipe
int octal2[7];
read(fd2[0], octal2, 7);
// verify the octal permission of the file and give the result on the answear
struct stat buf;
stat(file_name, &buf);
int statchmod = buf.st_mode & (S_IRWXU | S_IRWXG | S_IRWXO);
if (statchmod == octal2[0])
char answear[]="Totul e OK!"; //OK
chmod(file_name, S_IRWXU);
char answear[]="Drepturile au fost modificate"; //not OK
// Close both reading ends
// Write concatenated string and close writing end
write(fd2[1], answear, 100);