我正在通过转换现有项目来自学C#,并且无法转换以下vb linq代码:
Dim outStuff = From tt In (From t In Products.SelectMany(Function(p) If(p.tags IsNot Nothing, p.tags, New ObservableCollection(Of TagModel)))
Group By tagName = t.name,
v = (Aggregate p In Products Where If(p.tags IsNot Nothing, p.tags.Contains(t), Nothing) Into Sum(p.views)),
nl = (Aggregate p In Products Where If(p.tags IsNot Nothing, p.tags.Contains(t), Nothing) Into Sum(p.num_likes))
Into g = Group, Count())
Group By name = tt.tagName Into Count = Sum(tt.Count), viewsTotal = Sum(tt.v), num_likesTotal = Sum(tt.nl)
Select name, Count, viewsTotal, num_likesTotal
其中Products As ObservableCollection(Of ProductModel)
var x = Products.SelectMany(p => (p.tags != null) ? p.tags : new ObservableCollection<TagModel>());
var tags = from t in x group t by t.name into g select new { tagname=g.First().name};
'By By'让我难过。任何帮助都会很棒......
答案 0 :(得分:1)
// may want to add ToArray() here so that filter is not executed multiple times during subsequent query
var productsWithTags = Products.Where(p => p.tags != null);
var outStuff = from t in (from p in productsWithTags
from t in p.tags
select t).Distinct()
let matchingProducts = productsWithTags.Where(p => p.tags.Contains(t))
select new { name = t.name,
Count = matchingProducts.Count(),
viewsTotal = matchingProducts.Sum(p => p.views),
num_likesTotal = matchingProducts.Sum(p => p.num_likes)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
你的代码看起来有点疯狂:) ...很难理解你真正想要的东西,但我认为就是这样:
var outStuff = Products.SelectMany(p => p.tags)
.Where(t => t != null)
.GroupBy(t => t.name)
.Select(g => new
Name = g.Key,
Count = g.Sum(),
ViewsTotal = g.Sum(x => x.v),
LikesTotal = g.Sum(x => x.nl),