我已经使用pathos.multiprocessing创建了一个多处理池,在其中调用了一个单独的函数来尝试启动线程池。 在这里,ThrdPool是一个自定义类,可以在主类文件夹位置本地使用,也可以导入到主类中。当我尝试在各自的函数中调用此类时,出现“未定义Thrdpool”错误。
我尝试了所有类型的导入,例如 导入ThrdPool 从ThrdPool导入ThrdPool 从ThrdPool导入* 我什至将文件从ThreadPool重命名为ThrdPool,但还是没有运气。 我可以通过添加main方法来运行ThrdPool.py,而不会遇到任何麻烦。
from pathos import multiprocessing as multiprocessing
from functools import partial
from ThrdPool import *
class APICall():
def __init__(self):
self.host = config.get('splunk_search_section', 'host_name')
self.port = config.get('splunk_search_section', 'host_port')
self.username = config.get('splunk_search_section', 'user_name')
self.password = config.get('splunk_search_section', 'password')
def process(self):
company_list = self.fetch_onboarded_companies_from_customer_csv()
saved_search_list_file = os.path.join(code_dir_path, "resources\\saved_search_template.txt")
with open(saved_search_list_file, "r") as ss_file_pointer:
saved_search_list = ss_file_pointer.readlines()
except IOError as ie:
self.logging.error(f"Error occurred while accessing the Saved Search file reason being , {ie}")
raise IOError("IO Error occurred while accessing the Saved Search file.")
# Creating a process pool for each company key, to increase the throughput.
# Assuming 4 processors to be max optimistically.
p = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4)
# for each_cpy in company_list:
list_length_company = len(company_list)
array_of_numbers = [x for x in range(0, list_length_company)]
ssl = saved_search_list
cl = company_list
func = partial(self.processing_saved_search_per_company, ssl, cl)
p.map(func, array_of_numbers)
def processing_saved_search_per_company(self, saved_search_list, company_list, each_cpy_index):
company_key = company_list[each_cpy_index]
print("Company Key : " + company_key)
self.logging.info(f"processing the saved search for company {company_key}")
each_cpy = company_list[each_cpy_index]
array_of_numbers = [x for x in range(0, len(saved_search_list))]
# Creating a Thread pool of 5 threads to optimistically increase the throughput of saved search processing.
thread_pool = ThrdPool(5)
function1 = partial(self.run_saved_search_per_company, saved_search_list, each_cpy)
thread_pool.map(function1, array_of_numbers)
回溯(最近通话最近): 文件“ C:/Users/sp/src/APICall.py”,行176,在 APICall()。process() 正在处理文件“ C:/Users/sp/APICall.py”,第92行 公司密钥:105261 p.map(func,array_of_numbers) 地图中的文件“ C:\ Users \ xxxxx \ AppData \ Roaming \ Python \ Python37 \ site-> packages \ multiprocess \ pool.py”,行268 返回self._map_async(func,可迭代,mapstar,chunksize).get() 在获取文件“ C:\ Users \ xxxxxx \ AppData \ Roaming \ Python \ Python37 \ site-packages \ multiprocess \ pool.py”的行657中 提高自我价值 NameError:名称“ ThrdPool”未定义
谢谢 沙希德