我正在处理其他人的代码,并且正在修改一个每天仅返回一个int值的版本。 (例如'1',但我希望对其进行修改以返回'1 2 3 4')
'Get 'wherecl' table
Function GetBtl(ByVal tblRS As String, ByVal nday As Integer, ByVal sqlConn As
SqlConnection) As Integer
' Get the day's sample bottle
Dim wherecl As String
wherecl = "WHERE (DATEDIFF(d, { fn NOW() }, TmStamp) = " & nday & ")"
Dim Q4 As String
' SQL cmd to get array of unique bottles each day
Q4 = "SELECT distinct BottleToSample FROM " & tblRS & " " &
wherecl &
" ORDER BY TmStamp ASC;"
'End If
Dim MCGQ4 As New SqlCommand(Q4, sqlConn)
Dim Btl As Integer = MCGQ4.ExecuteScalar 'This is the bottle number
Return Btl
End Function
例如,我希望提供“ 1 2 3 4”
答案 0 :(得分:0)
由于将读取未知数量(大概是数量)的瓶子,所以最好将数据放入List(Of Integer)中-当添加项目时List会自动扩展其容量。如果您实际上需要数组中的数据,则可以轻松完成。
使用与数据库的连接时,应打开该连接,读取数据,然后立即处理该连接。 SQL Server Connection Pooling可以提高效率。对于问题代码,我通过使用连接中的连接字符串来实现。 Using Statement负责释放非托管资源,即使出现问题也是如此。
Function GetBtl(ByVal tblRS As String, ByVal nday As Integer, ByVal sqlConn As SqlConnection) As Integer()
Dim sampleBottles As New List(Of Integer)
' Get the day's sample bottles
Dim wherecl As String = "WHERE (DATEDIFF(d, { fn NOW() }, TmStamp) = " & nday & ")"
' SQL cmd to get array of unique bottles each day
Dim Q4 As String = "SELECT distinct BottleToSample FROM " & tblRS & " " & wherecl & " ORDER BY TmStamp ASC;"
Using conn As New SqlConnection(sqlConn.ConnectionString)
Using MCGQ4 As New SqlCommand(Q4, conn)
Dim rdr = MCGQ4.ExecuteReader()
While rdr.Read()
End While
End Using
End Using
Return sampleBottles.ToArray()
End Function
此外,我注意到问题代码中有一行Dim Btl As Integer = MCGQ4.ExecuteScalar
,这表明Option Strict设置为“ Off”。那是次优的条件;最好使用Option Strict On