
时间:2011-04-11 23:01:07

标签: r date loops

我有每小时记录的天气数据,以及每4小时记录一次的位置数据(X,Y)。我想知道X,Y位置的温度。天气数据并非完全同时出现。所以,我已经为每个位置编写了这个循环来扫描天气数据,寻找日期/时间中的“最接近”并从那个时间提取数据。问题是我写它的方式,对于位置#2,它扫描天气数据但不允许分配为位置#1分配的最近时间信息。说位置#1& 2点在下午6点和下午6点10分钟内拍摄,最近的天气时间是下午6点。我无法让它在下午6点允许天气数据作为选项。我有点像这样设置,因为200个位置进入我的位置数据集(比如3个月),我不希望它从时间0开始从天气数据,当我知道最接近的天气数据是刚刚计算的最后一个位置,恰好是该数据集的3个月。下面是一些示例数据和我的代码。我不知道这是否有意义。

<h6>####Location data</h6>

<p>X   Y   DateTime <br />
1   2   4/2/2003    18:01:01
3   2   4/4/2003    17:01:33
2   3   4/6/2003    16:03:07
5   6   4/8/2003    15:03:08
3   7   4/10/2003   14:03:06
4   5   4/2/2003    13:02:00
4   5   4/4/2003    12:14:43
4   3   4/6/2003    11:00:56
3   5   4/8/2003    10:02:06</p>

<h2>2   4   4/10/2003   9:02:19</h2>

<p>Weather Data
DateTime        WndSp   WndDir  Hgt
4/2/2003 17:41:00   8.17    102.86  3462.43
4/2/2003 20:00:00   6.70    106.00  17661.00
4/2/2003 10:41:00   6.18    106.00  22000.00
4/2/2003 11:41:00   5.78    106.00  22000.00
4/2/2003 12:41:00   5.48    104.00  22000.00
4/4/2003 17:53:00   7.96    104.29  6541.00
4/4/2003 20:53:00   6.60    106.00  22000.00
4/4/2003 19:41:00   7.82    105.00  7555.00
4/4/2003 7:41:00    6.62    105.00  14767.50
4/4/2003 8:41:00    6.70    106.00  17661.00
4/4/2003 9:41:00    6.60    106.00  22000.00
4/5/2003 20:41:00   7.38    106.67  11156.67
4/6/2003 18:07:00   7.82    105.00  7555.00
4/6/2003 21:53:00   6.18    106.00  22000.00
4/6/2003 21:41:00   6.62    105.00  14767.50
4/6/2003 4:41:00    7.96    104.29  6541.00
4/6/2003 5:41:00    7.82    105.00  7555.00
4/6/2003 6:41:00    7.38    106.67  11156.67
4/8/2003 18:53:00   7.38    106.67  11156.67
4/8/2003 22:53:00   5.78    106.00  22000.00
4/8/2003 1:41:00    5.78    106.00  22000.00
4/8/2003 2:41:00    5.48    104.00  22000.00
4/8/2003 3:41:00    8.17    102.86  3462.43
4/10/2003 19:53:00  6.62    105.00  14767.50
4/10/2003 23:53:00  5.48    104.00  22000.00
4/10/2003 22:41:00  6.70    106.00  17661.00
4/10/2003 23:41:00  6.60    106.00  22000.00
4/10/2003 0:41:00   6.18    106.00  22000.00
4/11/2003 17:41:00  8.17    102.86  3462.43</p>

<h2>4/12/2003 18:41:00  7.96    104.29  6541.0</h2>

weathrow = 1
for (i in 1:nrow(SortLoc)) {
    t = 0
    while (t < 1) {
        timedif1 = difftime(SortLoc$DateTime[i], SortWeath$DateTime[weathrow], units="auto")
        timedif2 =  difftime(SortLoc$DateTime[i], SortWeath$DateTime[weathrow+1], units="auto") 
        if (timedif2 < 0) {
            if (abs(timedif1) < abs(timedif2)) {
            } else {
            t = 1
        if (abs(SortLoc$DateTime[i] - SortLoc$DateTime[i+1] < 50)) {
        } else {
            weathrow = weathrow+1
            #if(weathrow = nrow(SortWeath)){t=1}
    } #end while

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

以下是您可能使用的一种策略的示例。这将逐个经历天气时间,然后获取该时间与每个位置时间之间差异的绝对值,然后获取最低时间差异。这解决了你的前瞻/回顾问题。您的数据集似乎足够小,以至于移动到半矢量化解决方案应该是您需要的所有速度增益,但如果不是,则添加到移动窗口上应该相对简单,该窗口仅在最后一个位置周围传递一些+/- N个观测值。 match.index。

w <- as.POSIXct(strptime( c("4/2/2003 17:41:00","4/2/2003 20:00:00","4/2/2003 10:41:00","4/2/2003 11:41:00","4/2/2003 12:41:00"),format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
l <- as.POSIXct(strptime( c("4/2/2003 18:01:01","4/2/2003 17:01:33","4/2/2003 16:03:07","4/2/2003 15:03:08","4/2/2003 14:03:06","4/2/2003 13:02:00"),format="%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S"))

window.size <- 5

findClosest <- function(w.i,l) {
makeWindow <- function(loc.match.index,i,window.size,n) {
    win.max <- loc.match.index[i-1] + window.size
    if(win.max > n) {
        win.max <- n
    win.min <- loc.match.index[i-1] - window.size
    if(win.min < 1) {
        win.min <- 1

loc.match.index <- integer()
n <- length(w)
# Initialize on whole vector
i <- 1
loc.match.index[i] <- findClosest(w[i],l)
# Continue on window
for(i in seq(2,n)) {
    wndw <- makeWindow(loc.match.index,i,window.size,n)
    loc.match.index[i] <- findClosest(w[i],l[wndw]) 
    # Add the start of the window back to the index that was returned
    loc.match.index[i] <- loc.match.index[i] + min(wndw)-1
> loc.match.index
[1] 1 1 5 5 5


答案 1 :(得分:1)


# example data:
x <- rnorm(120000)
y <- rnorm(71000)
y <- sort(y) # second vector must be sorted
id <- findInterval(x, y, all.inside=TRUE) # finds position of last y smaller then x
id_min <- ifelse(abs(x-y[id])<abs(x-y[id+1]), id, id+1) # to find nearest


# assumed that SortWeath is sorted, if not then SortWeath <- SortWeath[order(SortWeath$DateTime),]
x <- as.numeric(SortLoc$DateTime)
y <- as.numeric(SortWeath$DateTime)
id <- findInterval(x, y, all.inside=TRUE)
id_min <- ifelse(abs(x-y[id])<abs(x-y[id+1]), id, id+1)
SortLoc$WndSp  <- SortWeath$WndSp[id_min]
SortLoc$WndDir <- SortWeath$WndDir[id_min]
SortLoc$Hgt    <- SortWeath$Hgt[id_min]


x <- numeric(N)
X <- data.frame(x=x)
    vector = {for (i in 1:N) x[i]<-1},
    data.frame = {for (i in 1:N) X$x[i]<-1}
#         test replications elapsed relative
# 2 data.frame          100    4.32    22.74
# 1     vector          100    0.19     1.00



tmp_WndSp <- tmp_WndDir <- tmp_Hg <- rep(NA, nrow(SortLoc))


tmp_WndSp[i] <- SortWeath$WndSp[weathrow+1]
# and so on...


SortLoc$WndSp <- tmp_WndSp
SortLoc$WndDir <- tmp_WndDir
SortLoc$Hgt <- tmp_Hgt
