我有一些称为会话的规则,这些规则具有标题(字符串)和主题(字符串列表)。我正在创建一个查询,在其中输入一些关键字并找到最匹配的会话。每个关键字可以有一个权重(例如,如果关键字的权重为2,则关键字后跟-2,如果权重为1,则关键字旁没有任何内容)。 我的问题是递归。对于不带权重的输入,一切正常,但带权重的程序则以不同的方式重复执行。
session('Rules; Semantic Technology; and Cross-Industry Standards',
['XBRL - Extensible Business Reporting Language',
'MISMO - Mortgage Industry Standards Maintenance Org',
'FIXatdl - FIX Algorithmic Trading Definition Language',
'FpML - Financial products Markup Language',
'HL7 - Health Level 7',
'Acord - Association for Cooperative Operations Research and Development (Insurance Industry)',
'Rules for Governance; Risk; and Compliance (GRC); eg; rules for internal audit; SOX compliance; enterprise risk management (ERM); operational risk; etc',
'Rules and Corporate Actions']).
session('Rule Transformation and Extraction',
['Transformation and extraction with rule standards; such as SBVR; RIF and OCL',
'Extraction of rules from code',
'Transformation and extraction in the context of frameworks such as KDM (Knowledge Discovery meta-model)',
'Extraction of rules from natural language',
'Transformation or rules from one dialect into another']).
accessList([H|T], H, T).
is_empty_string(String) :-
String == ''.
not_empty_string(String) :-
String \== ''.
get_weight_of_token(MyToken, WeightOfToken) :-
split_string(MyToken,"-","",TempList), % tokenize MyToken into a list ( [string_of_token, weight_of_token] )
accessList(TempList,_,TempWeight), %
accessList(TempWeight,TempWeight2,_), % accessing the tail of the list (weight_of_token)
number_string(WeightOfToken,TempWeight2) % convert string to number
WeightOfToken is 1.
find_relevance([], SessionTitle, SessionTopics).
find_relevance([H | T], SessionTitle, SessionTopics) :-
get_weight_of_token(H, WeightOfToken),
format('Token = ~w with weight = ~d ~n', [H,WeightOfToken]),
format('Title = ~w~nTopics = ~w ~n', [SessionTitle,SessionTopics]),
find_relevance(T, SessionTitle, SessionTopics).
query(ListOfKeywords) :-
is_empty_string(ListOfKeywords), write('List of keywords is empty!')
split_string(ListOfKeywords," ","",KeywordsTokens), %tokenize string with space as separator
session(Title,Topics), find_relevance(KeywordsTokens, Title, Topics), fail.
使用没有权重的输入(例如“ firword secword”),结果如下: https://imgur.com/a/Q2fU2IM
使用权重为“ firword-2 secword”的输入,结果如下: https://imgur.com/xKFpFvh
如您所见,该程序在下一个会话中不会重复至(9),而是由于某种原因而递归至(10)..特别是;; ..