需要一些新的帮助,并且不确定如何将Big Endian浮点数从两个字节数组转换为浮点值或从Hex转换为浮点十进制值
uint8_t j, result;
uint16_t dataval[2];
result = node.readHoldingRegisters(8192, 2); // slave: read (6) 16-bit registers starting at register .. to RX buffer , this address is in Decimal, so convert hex to decimal to use correct address
if (result == node.ku8MBSuccess) // do something with data if read is successful
for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) // set to 0,1 for two datablocks
dataval[j] = node.getResponseBuffer(j);
String myValuea = String(dataval[0], HEX); //Convert it into Hexadecimal
String myValueb = String(dataval[1], HEX); //Convert it into Hexadecimal