
时间:2019-05-22 07:57:42

标签: python pandas

我有一个数据框(下面的屏幕截图),其中包含“月”列以及一些分类列和数字列。 类别列共同构成定义行的键。


  1. 如果Obj_col3 == XY并且Month == 2018-12: 然后选择相应的Num_col3值并乘以2。

  2. 然后将此Num_col3 * 2分配给Num_col2,但是在月份为2018-04的行中,分类对象列具有与上面的步骤1中选择的组合或键相同的组合或键。

    < / li>
  3. 针对您在数据框中看到的每个唯一obj组合重复此操作。

enter image description here


enter image description here

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


print (df)
   Obj_col1 Obj_col2 Obj_col3  Num_col1  Num_col2  Num_col3    Month
0         A       AB       XY        74        40        97  2018-04
1         A       AB       XY        61        26        29  2018-12
2         A       AB       XY        50        75        92  2019-03
3         A       AB       XY        33        99        87  2019-04
4         B       AB       XY        74        40         7  2018-04
5         B       AB       XY        61        26         1  2018-12
6         B       AB       XY        50        75         9  2019-03
7         B       AB       XY        33        99         8  2019-04
8         C       AB       XA        74        40         9  2018-04
9         C       AB       XA        61        26         1  2018-12
10        C       AB       XA        50        75        92  2019-03
11        C       AB       XA        33        99        87  2019-04

df = df.set_index(['Obj_col1','Obj_col2'])

m1 = (df['Obj_col3'] == 'XY') & (df['Month'] == '2018-12')
m2 = (df['Obj_col3'] == 'XY') & (df['Month'] == '2018-04')
df.loc[m2, 'Num_col2'] = df.loc[m1, 'Num_col3'] * 1000 # * 2 in real data 

df = df.reset_index()

print (df)
   Obj_col1 Obj_col2 Obj_col3  Num_col1  Num_col2  Num_col3    Month
0         A       AB       XY        74     29000        97  2018-04
1         A       AB       XY        61        26        29  2018-12
2         A       AB       XY        50        75        92  2019-03
3         A       AB       XY        33        99        87  2019-04
4         B       AB       XY        74      1000         7  2018-04
5         B       AB       XY        61        26         1  2018-12
6         B       AB       XY        50        75         9  2019-03
7         B       AB       XY        33        99         8  2019-04
8         C       AB       XA        74        40         9  2018-04
9         C       AB       XA        61        26         1  2018-12
10        C       AB       XA        50        75        92  2019-03
11        C       AB       XA        33        99        87  2019-04


def f(x):
    m1 = (x['Obj_col3'] == 'XY') & (x['Month'] == '2018-12')
    m2 = (x['Obj_col3'] == 'XY') & (x['Month'] == '2018-04')
    x.loc[m2, 'Num_col2'] = (x.loc[m1, 'Num_col3'] * 1000).values
    return x

df = df.groupby(['Obj_col1','Obj_col2']).apply(f)

答案 1 :(得分:1)

temp = pd.DataFrame({'objcol1': ['A', 'A', 'B', 'B'],
                     'objcol2': ['AB', 'AB', 'BC', 'BC'],
                     'objcol3': ['XY', 'XY', 'XY', 'XY'],
                     'numcol2': [40, 26, 96, 62],
                     'numcol3': [97, 29, 85, 11],
                     'month': pd.to_datetime(['2018-04', '2018-12', '2018-04', '2018-12'])})

# Create an index to iterative with
temp['key'] = temp['objcol1'] + temp['objcol2'] + temp['objcol3']
for k in temp['key'].tolist():
    # make two conditions to index properly
    condition_12 = (temp['key'] == k) & (temp['month'] == '2018-12-01')
    condition_04 = (temp['key'] == k) & (temp['month'] == '2018-04-01')
    # multiply and paste
    temp.loc[condition_04, 'numcol2'] = temp.loc[condition_12, 'numcol3'].values[0] * 2