NiFi 1.9.2版本检测重复项引发间歇性故障

时间:2019-05-21 14:37:32

标签: duplicates apache-nifi


处理StandardFlowFileRecord时无法与缓存通信 [uuid = abcdefg,claim = StandardContentClaim [resourceClaim = StandardResoruceClaim [id = 123131-21231,container = 1,section = 859],offset = 9870383,length = 39797],name = try-2019-05-21-p-2019 -0521-1401,大小= 323]由于空


我尝试更改分布式缓存服务的端口号。 最初,用于缓存服务的服务器保留了文件,但也尝试删除该设置并具有数据缓存。仍然面临问题。 还尝试将“通信超时”从默认的30秒增加到60秒。

The configuration of Distributed MapCache Service is
Server Hostname --> <one of the hosts on cluster>
Server Port --> 4563
SSL Context Service ---> <verified and running context Service>
Communications Timeout ---> 60 secs

The configuration of Distributed MapCache Server is
Port ---> 4563
Maximum Cache Entries ---> 10000  (I am only trying to check cache for     max about 100 entries, so I am sure I am not hitting this threshold)
Eviction Strategy --> Least Frequently Used
Persistence Directory --> <Initially some path value, but now nothing>
SSL Context Service --> Same verified service as Client Service>

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