
时间:2019-05-20 06:08:34

标签: c#


public class TriangleRegistryList
    public float x1 { get; set; }
    public float y1 { get; set; }
    public float x2 { get; set; }
    public float y2 { get; set; }
    public float x3 { get; set; }
    public float y3 { get; set; }
    public int ShapeNum { get; set; }

    public IEnumerable<(float x, float y)> GetPoints()
        yield return (x1, y1);
        yield return (x2, y2);
        yield return (x3, y3);

    public bool IsAdjacentTo(TriangleRegistryList other)
        return GetPoints().Intersect(other.GetPoints()).Count() >= 2;


public static class EnumerableExtensions
    public static IEnumerable<IEnumerable<T>>
        GetKCombs<T>(this IEnumerable<T> list, int length)
        if (length == 1) return list.Select(t => new T[] { t });
        return GetKCombs(list, length - 1)
            .SelectMany(t => list.Where(o => !o.Equals(t.Last())),
                (t1, t2) => t1.Concat(new T[] { t2 }));


var sharedEdges = 
        .Where(t => 
            && t.First().ShapeNum == 1


详细信息: 当列表中有几个三角形时,我将检查下一个三角形,我想知道哪个已连接三角形的ShapeNum最低。因此,例如以下图片: enter image description here

然后我想要一个返回我1的结果,因为那是与绿色三角形相连的最低三角形。下一步将是获取另一个数字,因此在我的示例中为2。然后将每个ShapeNum = 2的Triangle设置为1。因此,图片如下所示: enter image description here

更新: 我现在创建了这个函数:

public static bool ValidLayout()
    bool TriangleFound = false;
    bool IsValid;
    int SelectedTriangles = TriangleRegistry.Count(tr => tr.Value.Selected.Equals(true));
    int LowestShapeNum = 0;
    triangles = new List<TriangleRegistryList>();
    foreach (KeyValuePair<string, TriangleRegistryObject> row in TriangleRegistry.Where(n => n.Value.Selected == true).ToList())
        triangles.Add(new TriangleRegistryList
            x1 = row.Value.x1,
            y1 = row.Value.y1,
            x2 = row.Value.x2,
            y2 = row.Value.y2,
            x3 = row.Value.x3,
            y3 = row.Value.y3,
            ShapeNum = 0

    triangles.Add(new TriangleRegistryList
        x1 = (float)405,
        y1 = (float)701.4806,
        x2 = (float)675,
        y2 = (float)701.4806,
        x3 = (float)540,
        y3 = (float)935.3074

    triangles.Add(new TriangleRegistryList
        x1 = (float)135,
        y1 = (float)701.4806,
        x2 = (float)405,
        y2 = (float)701.4806,
        x3 = (float)270,
        y3 = (float)935.3074

    triangles.Add(new TriangleRegistryList
        x1 = (float)270,
        y1 = (float)935.3074,
        x2 = (float)540,
        y2 = (float)935.3074,
        x3 = (float)405,
        y3 = (float)701.4806

    int maxShapeNum = triangles.Max(x => x.ShapeNum);
    foreach (TriangleRegistryList triangle in triangles)
        if(maxShapeNum > 0)
            int i = 1;
            while(i <= maxShapeNum)
                //Check if the current triangle with (ShapeNumber = i) is connected to another triangle from the list
                var sharedEdges = triangles.GetKCombs(2).Where(t => t.First().IsAdjacentTo(t.Skip(1).Take(1).Single()) && t.Skip(1).Single().ShapeNum == i);
                int sharedEdgesCount = sharedEdges.Count();
                if (sharedEdgesCount > 0)
                    List<int> ConnectedShapeNumList = triangle.AdjacentShapeNumbers;

                    if (ConnectedShapeNumList != null)

                        List<int> RemovedDoublesList = ConnectedShapeNumList.Distinct().ToList();

                        int ListLength = (from x in RemovedDoublesList select x).Distinct().Count();

                        if(ListLength != 0)
                            LowestShapeNum = RemovedDoublesList.First();
                            int HighestShapeNum = RemovedDoublesList.Last();

                            if (sharedEdgesCount > 1)
                                if (LowestShapeNum != HighestShapeNum)
                                    foreach (int x in RemovedDoublesList)
                                        if (x != LowestShapeNum)
                                            foreach (TriangleRegistryList OldTriangleShapeNum in triangles)
                                                if (OldTriangleShapeNum.ShapeNum == x)
                                                    OldTriangleShapeNum.ShapeNum = LowestShapeNum;
                                    triangle.ShapeNum = RemovedDoublesList.First();
                                triangle.ShapeNum = RemovedDoublesList.First();
                            triangle.ShapeNum = maxShapeNum + 1;
                    triangle.ShapeNum = maxShapeNum + 1;

                TriangleFound = true;
                i += 1;
        if(TriangleFound == false)
            triangle.ShapeNum = maxShapeNum + 1;

        maxShapeNum = triangles.Max(x => x.ShapeNum);

    if (maxShapeNum == 1)
        IsValid = true;
        IsValid = false;

    return IsValid;


TriangleRegistryList Triangle_1 = new TriangleRegistryList
    x1=405, y1=701.4806, x2=675, y2=701.4806, x3=540, y3=935.3074

TriangleRegistryList Triangle_2 = new TriangleRegistryList
    x1=135, y1=701.4806, x2=405, y2=701.4806, x3=270, y3=935.3074

TriangleRegistryList Triangle_3 = new TriangleRegistryList
    x1=270, y1=935.3074, x2=540, y2=935.3074, x3=405, y3=701.4806

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

您应该能够通过将整数属性“ AdjacentShapeNum”添加到“ TriangleRegistryList”中,并在找到与另一个三角形的共享边的情况下,在“ IsAdjacentTo”方法中对其进行设置。

public int AdjacentShapeNum { get; set; }
public bool IsAdjacentTo(TriangleRegistryList other)
   var isAdjacentTo = 
            GetPoints().Intersect(other.GetPoints()).ToList().Count() >= 2;
                this.AdjacentShapeNum = other.ShapeNum;
            return isAdjacentTo;

获取与当前三角形相邻的多个三角形的“ ShapeNum”的代码:

        public TriangleRegistryList()
            this.AdjacentShapeNumbers = new List<int>();
        public List<int> AdjacentShapeNumbers {get;set;}

        public bool IsAdjacentTo(TriangleRegistryList other)
            var isAdjacentTo =  
            GetPoints().Intersect(other.GetPoints()).ToList().Count() >= 2;
            return isAdjacentTo;