时间:2019-05-19 13:31:26

标签: php sql pdo


我有一个文件,其中显示注释, contact.php here来说明它和我的CSS,因为 codepen 仅适用于JS,不显示注释表单,注释代码在PHP中称为 classprove.php ,它是here,人们可以帮助我,以构建这些代码...

比起文件 kommenter_verwalter.php ,我将在其中在Tabelle上显示我的评论输出。

因此,我有两个文件用于注释, classprove.php 用于管理我的注释,以及 kommenter_verwalter.php ,我将在其中显示它们。



现在要搜索我的代码而无需,请连接到我的 classprove.php 文件。

kommenter_verwalter.php 中的代码,


ini_set('display_errors', 1);
ini_set('display_startup_errors', 1);

class ClassProveContakt2 

          private $dbHost = 'localhost'; # Host der Datenbank
          private $dbName = 'meine';      # Name der Datenbank
          private $dbUser = 'root';      # Name phpmyadmin
          private $dbPass = 'pass';      # Passwort

          private $name;
          private $email;
          private $message;
          private $datetime;
          private $ip;
          private $db;
          private $connection; 
          private $id;
          private $sql; 
          private $statement;
          private $success;     

          function CommentToDatabase()
              // Establish connection with MYSQL Server
              $db = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=meine", "root", "pass");
             catch (PDOException $pe)
               echo "<br>Cannot connect to database: " . $pe->getMessage();
                return false;

            if(isset($_POST["delete"])) {
             try {

                   $connection = new PDO($id, $name, $email, $message, $datetime, $ip);

                   $id = $_POST["id"];

                   $sql = "DELETE FROM mela WHERE id = :id";

                   $statement = $connection->prepare($sql);
                   $statement->bindValue(':id', $id);

                   $success = "User successfully deleted";
                  }catch(PDOException $error) {
                        echo $sql . "<br>" . $error->getMessage();

           function tabelle() 
              $db = $this ->CommentToDatabase();

              if ($db) 

                 echo "<table id='user' class='table table-bordered'>

                       <th>Delete User</th>

                     foreach ($db as $row){

                        echo <<<EOT
                              <td><button type "submit" name="delete" value="{$row['id']}">löschen</button> 


                    echo "</table>";   



$News = new ClassProveContakt2;
$News -> CommentToDatabase();
$News -> tabelle();

sudo tail -n0 -f /var/log/apache2/error.log /var/log/mysql/error.log




$ _ POST [“删除”]


$ _ POST [“ id”];

我仅使用(姓名,电子邮件和消息)来构建我的表单,而要使用phpmyadmin来构建 id 。 。这些代码已在互联网上找到...



我希望文件 kommenter_verwalter.php (在此提供),输出显示 only 注释(名称,电子邮件,消息等)。在带有按钮删除作为此Screeshot到show ...的表上,并保留文件 classprove.php 作为评论管理人。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


 echo "<form action='classprove.php' method='post'>
               <td> '".$row["id"]."'</td>
                <td>'". $row["name"]."'</td>
                <td>'". $row["email"]."'</td>
               <td> '".$row["datetime"]."'</td>
              <td> '".$row["ip"]."'</td>

答案 1 :(得分:0)

因为 stackoverflow 上的人不让我的another问题回答,所以将其隐藏起来.....标题中的标题“如何在SQL上使用CRUD” ,因为它与这些非常相似,所以我在这里回答...。

现在可以显示文件 kommenter_verwalter.php ,而无需连接到我的 classprove.php 文件。


我的 kommenter_verwalter.php 现在如何?

class ClassProveContakt2 

      private $conn;

   function __construct() {

      $dbHost = 'localhost'; # Host der Datenbank
      $dbName = 'meine';      # Name der Datenbank
      $dbUser = 'root';      # Name der Datenbank
      $dbPass = 'pass';      # Passwort

      // declare the object conn, which conect to the Datebase .

          $this->conn = new mysqli($dbHost,$dbUser,$dbPass,$dbName);  
     // mit these function delete the Comment .

    function deleteComment($id){

      /* build a Variable to delete the Comment ,on **id=?** , give **?**  
       because i will the Comment to delete on hand (with the Bottom "delete")
       give not Value to **id**  , the **?** . */

      $sql = "DELETE FROM mela WHERE id=?";

       // prepare and bind the connection to Database .

       $statement= $this->conn->prepare($sql);
       $statement -> bind_param('i',$id);
    function printAdminTable() {

        //connect to the Table , name "mela" and the Rows which are in it .  

         $sql = "SELECT id, name, email, message, datetime,ip FROM mela ORDER BY datetime DESC";

       // prepare and bind the connection to the Table . 

       $statement= $this->conn->prepare($sql);

       $result = $statement-> get_result();

         //On *if* Statement asked if all is ok on the connection with sql
        // when yes ,build the Table .

       if ( $result ) {
            echo "
        <form action=\"prove_comment.php\" method=\"POST\">\n
        <table id='user' class='table table-bordered' border= '1px solid';>

              while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){

                echo <<<EOT
                      <td><button type="submit" name="delete" value="{$row['id']}">löschen</button>

             echo '</table></form>';  
            // when not connection on sql .
            } else {
          echo '<p class="error">Hm. $arrRows enthält nichts oder false. '
            .'Entweder ist die Datenbank noch leer oder da ist was falsch.</p>';
        // connection to sql closse .
     function __destruct(){
    }   // Build the call to the method .
    $News = new ClassProveContakt2();
       /* Because befor have add 'delete' on my POST Method                         
        (Linne 77 ,  "<td><button type="....) , with the **if** Statement asked if
        it is , when yes , delete it . */     
    if (isset($_POST['delete'])){
    $News -> deleteComment($_POST['delete']);
    $News -> printAdminTable();

Screehot现在如何显示我的文件 kommenter_verwalter.php how to show it