
时间:2019-05-12 14:42:48

标签: python-3.x




#Rock-Paper-Scissors-Fire-Pencil Game
#The player must choose his weapon and 'fight' against the computer following #the rules above.
#The player can choose between the following: Rock, Scissors, Fire, Pencil and #Paper.
#Rules: The rock beats the scissors, the scissors beat the fire, the fire #beats the pencil, the pencil beats the paper and the paper beats the rock

#Player1 is the human player
#Player2 is the computer
import random
#The game welcomes the player.
print("Wellcome to the Rock-Paper-Scissors-Fire-Pencil game!")
#The player can play as many times as he/she wants until he/she type anything #else except yes in the "Do you want to play again?" question.
def getuser():
    choices = ["rock", "scissors", "fire", "pencil", "paper"]
    #The computer chooses it's 'weapon'.       
    player2 = choices[random.randint(0,4)]
    player1 = None
    while player1 not in choices:
    #The player must choose his/her 'weapon'
       player1 = input("\n PLAYER 1 - Please make a choice (rock/paper/scissors/fire/pencil):")
    print (f"\nPlayer1 choose {player1}")
    print (f"\nPlayer2 choose {player2}")
    return ()

def findwinner():
    winner = None
    p1 = getuser()[1]
    p2 = getuser()[2]
    #The game keeps how many times the player1 has won, lost or tied with the computer in the variables bellow.
    wins = 0
    losses = 0
    ties = 0
    #The game compares the choises of the players and announces if the human player won, lost or tied with the computer.
    #Then it adds the win, the lost or the tie to the summary of wins, losses or ties.
    if p1 != p2:
        if p1 == "rock":
            if p2 == "scissors" or p2 == "pencil" or p2 == "fire":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "paper":
            if p2 == "rock":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "scissors":
            if p2 == "paper" or p2 == "pencil":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
            else :
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "pencil":
            if p2 == "paper":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "fire":
            if p2 == "paper" or p2 == "scissors" or p2 == "pencil":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        print("\n The round is a tie!")
        winner = None
        ties += 1
    print (f"\nThe winner of this round is {winner}")

    return (winner, wins, losses, ties)

play_again = "yes"

while play_again == "yes":

    #The game shows the choises of the players.
    player1 = getuser()[1]
    player2 = getuser()[2]
    findwinner(player1, player2)

    #The game askes the player if he/she wants to play again.      
    play_again = input("\nDo you want to play again?:")
    #If the player doesn't want to play again, the game prints the results of all the rounds of the game and closes.
    print(f"The player1 won {findwinner()[2]} times")
    print(f"The player1 lost {findwinner()[3]} times")
    print(f"The player1 tied {findwinner()[4]} times")
    print("\n Good Bye")

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


  1. getuser()仅显示选择但不返回选择,要解决此问题,只需将返回值更改为player1,player2

  2. findwinner()根据签名没有获得任何参数,您必须将签名更改为findwinner(p1,p2)

  3. 如果您正在findwinner()中通过参数接收玩家的选择,则不必再次调用getuser()。

  4. 每次调用findwinner()时,都会重置赢,输和平局计数器,您必须将它们声明为函数外部的全局变量,然后在函数内部进行更新。


import random
#The game keeps how many times the player1 has won, lost or tied with the computer in the variables bellow.
# 4 FIX) declare counters as globals
wins = 0
losses = 0
ties = 0
#The game welcomes the player.
print("Welcome to the Rock-Paper-Scissors-Fire-Pencil game!")
#The player can play as many times as he/she wants until he/she type anything
#else except yes in the "Do you want to play again?" question.
def getuser():
    choices = ["rock", "scissors", "fire", "pencil", "paper"]
    #The computer chooses it's 'weapon'.       
    player2 = choices[random.randint(0,4)]
    player1 = None
    while player1 not in choices:
    #The player must choose his/her 'weapon'
      player1 = input("\n PLAYER 1 - Please make a choice (rock/paper/scissors/fire/pencil):")
    print (f"\nPlayer1 choose {player1}")
    print (f"\nPlayer2 choose {player2}")
    return player1, player2  # 1 FIX) return players choice

# 2 FIX) add players choice as parameters
def findwinner(p1, p2):
    winner = None
    # 3 FIX) do not call getuser since you have the player choices as arguments
    # 4 FIX) use them as globals in the function scope
    global wins, losses, ties
    #The game compares the choises of the players and announces if the human player won, lost or tied with the computer.
    #Then it adds the win, the lost or the tie to the summary of wins, losses or ties.
    if p1 != p2:
        if p1 == "rock":
            if p2 == "scissors" or p2 == "pencil" or p2 == "fire":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "paper":
            if p2 == "rock":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "scissors":
            if p2 == "paper" or p2 == "pencil":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
            else :
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "pencil":
            if p2 == "paper":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        if p1 == "fire":
            if p2 == "paper" or p2 == "scissors" or p2 == "pencil":
                print("\n Player1 wins this round!")
                winner = p1
                wins += 1
                print("\n Player2 wins this round!")
                winner = p2
                losses += 1
        print("\n The round is a tie!")
        winner = None
        ties += 1
    print (f"\nThe winner of this round is {winner}")

    return winner  # 4 FIX) no need to return the counters anymore

play_again = "yes"

while play_again == "yes":

    #The game shows the choises of the players.
    player1, player2 = getuser()  # 1 FIX) save player choices
    findwinner(player1, player2)

    #The game askes the player if he/she wants to play again.      
    play_again = input("\nDo you want to play again?:")
    #If the player doesn't want to play again, the game prints the results of all the rounds of the game and closes.
    # 4 FIX) Use the global variables
    print(f"The player1 won {wins} times")
    print(f"The player1 lost {losses} times")
    print(f"The player1 tied {ties} times")
    print("\n Good Bye")


player1, player2 = getuser()