我正在尝试从cvedetails.com提取产品窗口10的数据,并且在页面源中有一个表。漏洞的详细信息有一个tr,漏洞的描述有一个tr。 我希望能够提取两个相关的tr
import requests
r = requests.get('https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list.php? vendor_id=26&product_id=32238&version_id=&page=1&hasexp=0&opdos=0&opec=0&opov= 0&opcsrf=0&opgpriv=0&opsqli=0&opxss=0&opdirt=0&opmemc=0&ophttprs=0&opbyp=0&opfileinc=0&opginf=0&cvssscoremin=0&cvssscoremax=0&year=0&month=0&cweid=0&order=1&trc=845&sha=41e451b72c2e412c0a1cb8cb1dcfee3d16d51c44')
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'html.parser')
#results = soup.find_all('tr',attrs={'class':'srrowns'})
#resultdesc = soup.find_all('td',attrs={'class':'cvesummarylong'})
results = soup.find_all(('tr',attrs={'class':'srrowns'}),('td',attrs=
<tr class="srrowns">
<td class="num">
<a name="y2019"> </a>
1 </td>
<td nowrap><a href="/cve/CVE-2019-0879/" title="CVE-2019-0879 security vulnerability details">CVE-2019-0879</a></td>
<td><a href="//www.cvedetails.com/cwe-details/119/cwe.html" title="CWE-119 - CWE definition">119</a></td>
<td class="num">
<b style="color:red">
Exec Code Overflow </td>
<td><div class="cvssbox" style="background-color:#ff9c20">7.2</div></td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Local</td>
<td align="center">Low</td>
<td align="center">Not required</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td class="cvesummarylong" colspan="20">
A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0877. </td>
<tr class="srrowns">
<td class="num">
<a name="y2019"> </a>
2 </td>
<td nowrap><a href="/cve/CVE-2019-0877/" title="CVE-2019-0877 security vulnerability details">CVE-2019-0877</a></td>
<td><a href="//www.cvedetails.com/cwe-details/119/cwe.html" title="CWE-119 - CWE definition">119</a></td>
<td class="num">
<b style="color:red">
Exec Code Overflow </td>
<td><div class="cvssbox" style="background-color:#ff9c20">7.2</div></td>
<td align="center">None</td>
<td align="center">Local</td>
<td align="center">Low</td>
<td align="center">Not required</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td align="center">Complete</td>
<td class="cvesummarylong" colspan="20">
A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0879. </td>
我希望将结果与描述的cve编号,严重性等在一行中提取 但是我尝试提取两者的唯一方法是分开的
答案 0 :(得分:0)
如下所示?在bs4 4.7.1中,您可以使用:nth-child(odd)和:nth-child(even)处理行问题并将描述附加到适当的行上。
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import re
import pandas as pd
r = requests.get('https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list.php?%20vendor_id=26&product_id=32238&version_id=&page=1&hasexp=0&opdos=0&opec=0&opov=%200&opcsrf=0&opgpriv=0&opsqli=0&opxss=0&opdirt=0&opmemc=0&ophttprs=0&opbyp=0&opfileinc=0&opginf=0&cvssscoremin=0&cvssscoremax=0&year=0&month=0&cweid=0&order=1&trc=845&sha=41e451b72c2e412c0a1cb8cb1dcfee3d16d51c44')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
descs = [re.sub(r'\t+|(\n+)?',' ',item.text.strip()) for item in soup.select('#vulnslisttable tr:nth-child(odd)')[1:]] #
items = [ item for item in soup.select('#vulnslisttable tr:nth-child(even)')]
results = []
i = 0
for desc in descs:
row = [re.sub(r'\t+|(\n+)?',' ',item.text.strip()) for item in items[i].select('td')]
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
headers = [re.sub(r'\t+|(\n+)?',' ',item.text.strip()) for item in soup.select('#vulnslisttable th')]
df.columns = headers
答案 1 :(得分:0)
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as soup
import requests, re
d = soup(requests.get('https://www.cvedetails.com/vulnerability-list.php?%20vendor_id=26&product_id=32238&version_id=&page=1&hasexp=0&opdos=0&opec=0&opov=%200&opcsrf=0&opgpriv=0&opsqli=0&opxss=0&opdirt=0&opmemc=0&ophttprs=0&opbyp=0&opfileinc=0&opginf=0&cvssscoremin=0&cvssscoremax=0&year=0&month=0&cweid=0&order=1&trc=845&sha=41e451b72c2e412c0a1cb8cb1dcfee3d16d51c44').text, 'html.parser')
_t = d.find('table', {'id':'vulnslisttable'})
headers, [_, *data] = [re.sub('^[\t\n]+|[\t\n]+$', '', i.text) for i in _t.find_all('th')], [[re.sub('^[\s\t\n]+|[\t\n]+$', '', i.text) for i in b.find_all('td')] for b in _t.find_all('tr')]
result = [{**dict(zip(headers, data[i])), 'summary':data[i+1][0]} for i in range(0, len(data), 2)]
[{'#': '1', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0879', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0877."}, {'#': '2', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0877', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0879."}, {'#': '3', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0859', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka 'Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0685, CVE-2019-0803."}, {'#': '4', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0856', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.0', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Single system', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when Windows improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '5', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0853', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-15', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the Windows Graphics Device Interface (GDI) handles objects in the memory, aka 'GDI+ Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '6', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0851', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0877, CVE-2019-0879."}, {'#': '7', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0849', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '4.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows GDI component improperly discloses the contents of its memory, aka 'Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0802."}, {'#': '8', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0848', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the win32k component improperly provides kernel information, aka 'Win32k Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0814."}, {'#': '9', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0847', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0846, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0877, CVE-2019-0879."}, {'#': '10', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0846', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Windows Jet Database Engine improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Jet Database Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0847, CVE-2019-0851, CVE-2019-0877, CVE-2019-0879."}, {'#': '11', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0845', 'CWE ID': '20', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the IOleCvt interface renders ASP webpage content, aka 'Windows IOleCvt Interface Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '12', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0844', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows kernel improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0840."}, {'#': '13', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0842', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the VBScript engine handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows VBScript Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '14', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0841', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-15', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when Windows AppX Deployment Service (AppXSVC) improperly handles hard links, aka 'Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0730, CVE-2019-0731, CVE-2019-0796, CVE-2019-0805, CVE-2019-0836."}, {'#': '15', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0840', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows kernel improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0844."}, {'#': '16', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0839', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Terminal Services component improperly discloses the contents of its memory, aka 'Windows Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0838."}, {'#': '17', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0838', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when Windows Task Scheduler improperly discloses credentials to Windows Credential Manager, aka 'Windows Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0839."}, {'#': '18', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0837', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when DirectX improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'DirectX Information Disclosure Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '19', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0836', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '4.6', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'Partial', 'Avail.': 'Partial', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when Windows improperly handles calls to the LUAFV driver (luafv.sys), aka 'Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0730, CVE-2019-0731, CVE-2019-0796, CVE-2019-0805, CVE-2019-0841."}, {'#': '20', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0821', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '4.0', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Single system', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists in the way that the Windows SMB Server handles certain requests, aka 'Windows SMB Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0703, CVE-2019-0704."}, {'#': '21', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0814', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-11', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the win32k component improperly provides kernel information, aka 'Win32k Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0848."}, {'#': '22', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0805', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '4.6', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'Partial', 'Avail.': 'Partial', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when Windows improperly handles calls to the LUAFV driver (luafv.sys), aka 'Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0730, CVE-2019-0731, CVE-2019-0796, CVE-2019-0836, CVE-2019-0841."}, {'#': '23', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0803', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka 'Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0685, CVE-2019-0859."}, {'#': '24', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0802', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '4.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows GDI component improperly discloses the contents of its memory, aka 'Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0849."}, {'#': '25', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0797', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows when the Win32k component fails to properly handle objects in memory, aka 'Win32k Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0808."}, {'#': '26', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0796', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-05-08', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'None', 'Integ.': 'Partial', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists when Windows improperly handles calls to the LUAFV driver (luafv.sys), aka 'Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0730, CVE-2019-0731, CVE-2019-0805, CVE-2019-0836, CVE-2019-0841."}, {'#': '27', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0795', 'CWE ID': '611', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-11', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Microsoft XML Core Services MSXML parser processes user input, aka 'MS XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0790, CVE-2019-0791, CVE-2019-0792, CVE-2019-0793."}, {'#': '28', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0794', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-11', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when OLE automation improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'OLE Automation Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '29', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0793', 'CWE ID': '611', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Microsoft XML Core Services MSXML parser processes user input, aka 'MS XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0790, CVE-2019-0791, CVE-2019-0792, CVE-2019-0795."}, {'#': '30', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0792', 'CWE ID': '611', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Microsoft XML Core Services MSXML parser processes user input, aka 'MS XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0790, CVE-2019-0791, CVE-2019-0793, CVE-2019-0795."}, {'#': '31', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0791', 'CWE ID': '611', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Microsoft XML Core Services MSXML parser processes user input, aka 'MS XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0790, CVE-2019-0792, CVE-2019-0793, CVE-2019-0795."}, {'#': '32', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0790', 'CWE ID': '611', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists when the Microsoft XML Core Services MSXML parser processes user input, aka 'MS XML Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0791, CVE-2019-0792, CVE-2019-0793, CVE-2019-0795."}, {'#': '33', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0786', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-09', 'Update Date': '2019-04-11', 'Score': '7.5', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'Partial', 'Avail.': 'Partial', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in the Microsoft Server Message Block (SMB) Server when an attacker with valid credentials attempts to open a specially crafted file over the SMB protocol on the same machine, aka 'SMB Server Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '34', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0784', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '7.6', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'High', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the ActiveX Data objects (ADO) handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows ActiveX Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '35', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0782', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows kernel fails to properly initialize a memory address, aka 'Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0702, CVE-2019-0755, CVE-2019-0767, CVE-2019-0775."}, {'#': '36', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0776', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the win32k component improperly provides kernel information, aka 'Win32k Information Disclosure Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '37', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0775', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '1.9', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows kernel improperly handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0702, CVE-2019-0755, CVE-2019-0767, CVE-2019-0782."}, {'#': '38', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0774', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '4.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows GDI component improperly discloses the contents of its memory, aka 'Windows GDI Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0614."}, {'#': '39', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0772', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that the VBScript engine handles objects in memory, aka 'Windows VBScript Engine Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0665, CVE-2019-0666, CVE-2019-0667."}, {'#': '40', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0767', 'CWE ID': '200', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '+Info ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '2.1', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Partial', 'Integ.': 'None', 'Avail.': 'None', 'summary': "An information disclosure vulnerability exists when the Windows kernel improperly initializes objects in memory.To exploit this vulnerability, an authenticated attacker could run a specially crafted application, aka 'Windows Kernel Information Disclosure Vulnerability'. This CVE ID is unique from CVE-2019-0702, CVE-2019-0755, CVE-2019-0775, CVE-2019-0782."}, {'#': '41', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0766', 'CWE ID': '264', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': '', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-09', 'Score': '7.2', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Local', 'Complexity': 'Low', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "An elevation of privilege vulnerability exists in Windows AppX Deployment Server that allows file creation in arbitrary locations. To exploit the vulnerability, an attacker would first have to log on to the system, aka 'Microsoft Windows Elevation of Privilege Vulnerability'."}, {'#': '42', 'CVE ID': 'CVE-2019-0765', 'CWE ID': '119', '# of Exploits': '', 'Vulnerability Type(s)': 'Exec Code Overflow ', 'Publish Date': '2019-04-08', 'Update Date': '2019-04-10', 'Score': '9.3', 'Gained Access Level': 'None', 'Access': 'Remote', 'Complexity': 'Medium', 'Authentication': 'Not required', 'Conf.': 'Complete', 'Integ.': 'Complete', 'Avail.': 'Complete', 'summary': "A remote code execution vulnerability exists in the way that comctl32.dll handles objects in memory, aka 'Comctl32 Remote Code Execution Vulnerability'."}, ...]
答案 2 :(得分:0)
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
import pandas as pd
r = requests.get('your url')
soup = bs(r.content, 'lxml')
tables = soup.find_all('table')
my_table = pd.read_html(str(tables[4]))
# 1
CVE ID CVE-2019-0879
CWE ID 119
Vulnerability Type(s) Exec Code Overflow
Publish Date 2019-04-09
Update Date 2019-05-08
Score 7.2
Gained Access Level None
Access Local
Complexity Low
Authentication Not required
Conf. Complete
Integ. Complete
Avail. Complete