如果我的信用额度为12和14,注销为0和-4且可打印= 1,则在新列中输入qty * paidamt。
select tdate,job,qty as units, paidamt as unitAmount, qty*paidamt as ExtendedAmount,credit as credit, -123 as Charge, credits.writeoff as credittype,
woseq as seq, postwho, credits.defaultsystemid as syscode, postdate, printable, cmpy, payor,'-123' as HCPCS, -123 as uniqueID,
When forCharge=0 then '1'
end as forCharge,
When credits.code in (12,14) and printable=1 and credits.writeOff in (0,-4)
then qty*paidamt
end as pprimary
from trip_credits,credits where trip_credits.credit=credits.code
union all
select ta.tdate,ta.job,units, costperunit as unitAmount, convert(int, convert(int,round(units * costperunit,0))) as ExtendedAmount,-123 as credit,
ta.addon as Charge, -99 as credittype, ta.seq, postwho, '-1' as syscode, postdate, printable, cmpy, -123 as payor, HCPCS, ta.uniqueID, -123 as forCharge,-123 as pprimary
from trip_addons ta,HCPCSandModifiers hm where ta.tdate=hm.tdate and ta.job=hm.job and ta.addon=hm.addon
这是输出,其中tdate ='2017-07-30'和job ='1240-A':
tdate job units unitAmount ExtendedAmount credit Charge credittype seq postwho syscode postdate printable cmpy payor HCPCS uniqueID forCharge pprimary
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 74092 74092 1 -123 -2 1 -201804 7 2018-05-04 1 250 11262 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 20944 20944 1 -123 -2 1 -201804 7 2018-05-04 1 250 11262 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 108180 108180 2 -123 -2 1 -201711 2017-12-21 0 250 11265 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 34580 34580 2 -123 -2 1 -201711 2017-12-21 0 250 11265 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A -1.00 108180 -108180 2 -123 -2 1 -201804 2018-05-04 0 250 11265 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A -1.00 34580 -34580 2 -123 -2 1 -201804 2018-05-04 0 250 11265 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 35991 35991 12 -123 0 0 201805 2018-05-29 1 250 11262 -123 -123 1 35991
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 12118 12118 12 -123 0 0 201805 2018-05-29 1 250 11262 -123 -123 2 12118
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 12273 12273 14 -123 -4 0 201805 2018-05-29 1 250 11265 -123 -123 1 12273
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 735 735 23 -123 -4 0 201805 2018-05-29 1 250 11262 -123 -123 1 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 247 247 23 -123 -4 0 201805 2018-05-29 1 250 11262 -123 -123 2 0
2017-07-30 1240-A 1.00 120000 120000 -123 4991 -99 1 201707 -1 2017-08-23 1 250 -123 A0427 1 -123 -123
2017-07-30 1240-A 14.00 2600 36400 -123 5000 -99 1 201707 -1 2017-08-23 1 250 -123 A0425 2 -123 -123
输出仅将CreditAlt列中12和14中的行中的ExtendedAmount放在pprimary中,并将credittype列中的0和-4放在pprimary中。 当tdate和job匹配的credit列和credittype列都存在两个值时,我只需要看到ExtendedAmount。换句话说,对于每项工作,我要检查医疗保险是否是tdate +职位的主要付款人,而medicaid是否是次要付款人,则仅添加这些工资。