我们有两个地理区域:人口普查区和正方形网格。网格数据集仅包含有关人口计数的信息。我们了解每个普查区的总收入。 我们要做的是将这些收入数据从普查区域分配到网格单元。
我们在下面提供一个可重现的示例(使用R和 sf 包),并使用从我们的地理位置提取的样本,到目前为止已找到针对该问题的解决方案。我们希望看到其他人是否有替代(更有效)的解决方案来检查我们的结果是否正确。
# Files
download.file("https://github.com/ipeaGIT/acesso_oport/raw/master/test/shapes.RData", "shapes.RData")
# Open tracts and calculate area
tract <- tract %>%
mutate(area_tract = st_area(.))
# Open grid squares and calculate area
square <- square %>%
mutate(area_square = st_area(.))
ui <-
# Create spatial units for all intersections between the tracts and the squares (we're calling these "piece")
st_intersection(square, tract) %>%
# Calculate area for each piece
mutate(area_piece = st_area(.)) %>%
# Compute the proportion of each tract that's inserted in that piece
mutate(area_prop_tract = area_piece/area_tract) %>%
# Compute the proportion of each square that's inserted in that piece
mutate(area_prop_square = area_piece/area_square) %>%
# Based on the square's population, compute the population that lives in that piece
mutate(pop_prop_square = square_pop * area_prop_square) %>%
# Compute the population proportion of each square that is within the tract
group_by(id_tract) %>%
mutate(sum = sum(pop_prop_square)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
# Compute population of each piece whitin the tract
mutate(pop_prop_square_in_tract = pop_prop_square/sum) %>%
# Compute income within each piece
mutate(income_piece = tract_incm* pop_prop_square_in_tract)
# Final agreggation by squares
ui_fim <- ui %>%
# Group by squares and population and sum the income for each piece
group_by(id_square, square_pop) %>%
summarise(square_income = sum(income_piece, na.rm = TRUE))
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