文字语音:使用NodeJS将麦克风流传送到Watson STT

时间:2019-05-04 03:04:02

标签: node.js ibm-watson speech-to-text

我当前正在尝试将麦克风流发送到Watson STT服务,但是由于某种原因,Watson服务未接收到该流(我猜是这样),因此出现错误“错误:30秒钟未检测到语音”。

请注意,我已经将.wav文件流式传输到Watson,并且还测试了将micInputStream管道传输到本地文件,因此我知道两者至少都已正确设置。我对NodeJS / javascript很陌生,所以我希望错误可能很明显。

const fs = require('fs');
const mic = require('mic');
var SpeechToTextV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/speech-to-text/v1');

var speechToText = new SpeechToTextV1({
  iam_apikey: '{key_here}',
  url: 'https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api'

var params = {
  content_type: 'audio/l16; rate=44100; channels=2',
  interim_results: true

const micParams = { 
    rate: 44100, 
    channels: 2, 
    debug: false, 
    exitOnSilence: 6
  const micInstance = mic(micParams);
  const micInputStream = micInstance.getAudioStream();

  console.log('Watson is listening, you may speak now.');

// Create the stream.
var recognizeStream = speechToText.recognizeUsingWebSocket(params);

// Pipe in the audio.
var textStream = micInputStream.pipe(recognizeStream).setEncoding('utf8');

textStream.on('data', user_speech_text => console.log('Watson hears:', user_speech_text));
textStream.on('error', e => console.log(`error: ${e}`));
textStream.on('close', e => console.log(`close: ${e}`));

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

结论:最后,我不确定代码到底出了什么问题。我猜想这与麦克风包有关。我最终报废了该包装,并使用“ Node-audiorecorder”代替了我的音频流https://www.npmjs.com/package/node-audiorecorder

注意:该模块要求您安装SoX,并且必须在$ PATH中可用。 http://sox.sourceforge.net/



    // Import module.
    var AudioRecorder = require('node-audiorecorder');
    var fs = require('fs');
    var SpeechToTextV1 = require('watson-developer-cloud/speech-to-text/v1');

    * Configuring STT
    var speechToText = new SpeechToTextV1({
        iam_apikey: '{your watson key here}',
        url: 'https://stream.watsonplatform.net/speech-to-text/api'

    var recognizeStream = speechToText.recognizeUsingWebSocket({
        content_type: 'audio/wav',
        interim_results: true

    * Configuring the Recording
    // Options is an optional parameter for the constructor call.
    // If an option is not given the default value, as seen below, will be used.
    const options = {
        program: 'rec',     // Which program to use, either `arecord`, `rec`, or `sox`.
        device: null,       // Recording device to use.

        bits: 16,           // Sample size. (only for `rec` and `sox`)
        channels: 2,        // Channel count.
        encoding: 'signed-integer',  // Encoding type. (only for `rec` and `sox`)
        rate: 48000,        // Sample rate.
        type: 'wav',        // Format type.

        // Following options only available when using `rec` or `sox`.
        silence: 6,         // Duration of silence in seconds before it stops recording.
        keepSilence: true   // Keep the silence in the recording.

    const logger = console;

    * Create Streams

    // Create an instance.
    let audioRecorder = new AudioRecorder(options, logger);

    //create timeout (so after 10 seconds it stops feel free to remove this)
    setTimeout(function() {
      }, 10000);

    // This line is for saving the file locally as well (Strongly encouraged for testing)
    const fileStream = fs.createWriteStream("test.wav", { encoding: 'binary' });

    // Start stream to Watson STT Remove .pipe(process.stdout) if you dont want translation printed to console

    //Create another stream to save locally

    //Finally pipe translation to transcription file