Error processing tar file(exit status 1): write /tmp/server_dec/db2/linuxamd64/tsamp/Linux/i386/sam.adapter- no space left on device
## Purpose: Build Docker Image of DB2 Developer C v11.1.3.3.
## Will need to run in privleged mode for DB2START to work.
## Download: IBM DB2 v11.1.3.3 (v11.1_linuxx64_dec.tar.gz)
## Prerequisite:
## Much will be done for you in this build, but you will still need to
## Download the installation binaries.
## Build:
## docker build --squash --build-arg <Corporate Proxies> -t "db2devc:v11.1.3.3" .
## Execution:
## Set a password for db2inst1 and dbuser
## docker run --privileged -e DBNAME='<database name>' -e DB2_PASS='<password>' -e USER_PASS='password' -d <image_name>
## Get to Shell after container start:
## docker exec -it <container_name> /bin/bash
FROM centos:7
## System Preparation and DB2 Pre-Requisites ##
RUN yum install -y \
pam-devel \
pam.i686 \
libaio \
libstdc++-devel.i686 \
numactl-libs \
gcc \
gcc-c++ \
ksh \
numactl \
file \
kernel-devel \
vi \
sudo \
util-linux \
which \
openssh-clients \
zip \
unzip \
&& yum clean all
## Install DB2 ##
## Pull TAR file with DB2 Binaries, extract, install, license, remove tar file
COPY ./v11.1_linuxx64_dec.tar.gz /tmp/v11.1_linuxx64_dec.tar.gz
RUN cd /tmp && tar -xvf v11.1_linuxx64_dec.tar.gz \
&& /bin/sh -c "/tmp/server_dec/db2_install -y -b /opt/ibm/db2/V11.1 -p server -n" 2>&1 > /tmp/DB2_DOCKER_INSTALL.log || echo "Installed with acceptable error."
RUN rm -rf /tmp/v11.1_linuxx64_dec.tar.gz
## Core & Maint Filesystems ##
## Create Filesystems (Environment Preparation)
## Need to create first so we can change ownership, then VOLUME will provide permanency.
## If declare VOLUME first, will not take permission/ownership changes.
RUN mkdir -p /home/db2inst1 /data /db_logs /db_backup /sw/db2diag
## Filesystem Persistance ##
## Mount Filesystems (Environment Preparation)
## Note: Creates permancy outside container
## In Centos:7, df -h will only show one filesystem mounted although
## things show properly mounted with "mount". Centos:6, df -h appears correctly.
VOLUME /home/db2inst1
VOLUME /data
VOLUME /db_logs
VOLUME /db_backup
VOLUME /db2diag
## Open Port ##
EXPOSE 50000
COPY ./Env_Script.sh /tmp/Env_Script.sh
COPY ./DB_BUILD.ksh /tmp/DB_BUILD.ksh
RUN chmod +x /tmp/Env_Script.sh
RUN chmod +x /tmp/DB_BUILD.ksh
ENTRYPOINT ["/tmp/Env_Script.sh"]
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尝试docker system prune