如何在MySQL 5.7中组织此查询?

时间:2019-04-25 21:41:54

标签: mysql sql group-by

我对在MySQL 5.7中形成查询的方式有疑问。


create table m_user
    id bigint(10) auto_increment primary key,
    deleted tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
    suspended tinyint(1) default 0 not null,
    username varchar(100) default '' not null,
    password varchar(255) default '' not null,
    idnumber varchar(255) default '' not null,
    firstname varchar(100) default '' not null,
    lastname varchar(100) default '' not null,
    email varchar(100) default '' not null,
    timecreated bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timemodified bigint(10) default 0 not null

INSERT INTO m_user (username, firstname, lastname, email, timecreated) VALUES('user1', 'John', 'Doe', 'jdoe@demo.net', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_user (username, firstname, lastname, email, timecreated) VALUES('user2', 'Jane', 'Doe', 'janedoe@demo.net', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

create table m_workflow
    id bigint(10) auto_increment primary key,
    name varchar(255) default '' not null,
    timecreated bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timemodified bigint(10) default 0 not null

INSERT INTO m_workflow (name, timecreated) VALUES('nr1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow (name, timecreated) VALUES('nr2', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

create table m_workflow_questions
    id bigint(10) auto_increment primary key,
    workflowid bigint(10) not null,
    title varchar(255) default '' not null,
    timecreated bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timemodified bigint(10) default 0 not null

INSERT INTO m_workflow_questions (workflowid, title, timecreated) VALUES(1, 'Q1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_questions (workflowid, title, timecreated) VALUES(1, 'Q2', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_questions (workflowid, title, timecreated) VALUES(1, 'Q3', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

create table m_workflow_answers
    id bigint(10) auto_increment primary key,
    workflowid bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    questionid bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    answer longtext not null,
    value bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timecreated bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timemodified bigint(10) default 0 not null

INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 1, 'a1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 1, 'b1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 1, 'c1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 2, 'd1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 2, 'f1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 3, 'k1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_answers (workflowid, questionid, answer, timecreated) VALUES(1, 3, 'j1', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

create table m_workflow_responses
    id bigint(10) auto_increment primary key,
    questionid bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    userid bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    answerid bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timecreated bigint(10) default 0 not null,
    timemodified bigint(10) default 0 not null

INSERT INTO m_workflow_responses (questionid, userid, answerid, timecreated) VALUES(1, 1, 1, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_responses (questionid, userid, answerid, timecreated) VALUES(2, 1, 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());

INSERT INTO m_workflow_responses (questionid, userid, answerid, timecreated) VALUES(1, 2, 2, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());
INSERT INTO m_workflow_responses (questionid, userid, answerid, timecreated) VALUES(2, 2, 3, UNIX_TIMESTAMP());


有一个工作流程可能有一个或多个问题。每个问题至少可以包含2个或更多已定义的答案。 用户可以通过为每个问题选择一个或多个提供的答案来回答问题。这是一种多选类型的测试。这些用户选择中的每一个都存储在m_workflow_responses表中。



User      Workflow Status Started   Finished
John Doe  Started         12/12/18  --
Jane Doe  Not started     --        --
Jimmy Doe Completed       11/12/18  12/12/18 




   SELECT   mq.workflowid
          , COUNT(mq.id) AS mqcount
          , mr.userid
          , SUM(CASE WHEN mr.userid IS NOT NULL THEN 1 END) AS mrcount
     FROM m_workflow_questions mq
      SELECT mra.questionid, mra.userid
        FROM m_workflow_responses mra
    GROUP BY mra.questionid, mra.userid
         ) mr ON mr.questionid = mq.id
 GROUP BY mq.workflowid, mr.userid



注意:SQL提琴使用MySQL 5.6,但我提供了精确的SQL_MODE设置来模拟行为。


我的主要问题是确定工作流程是否完成。当用户用至少一个答案回答所有问题时,就完成了工作流程。因此,我需要计算的是已回答问题的数量,而不是总数为给定答案的总数,因为一个问题可以有一个用户的多个回答。 这是我要计算工作流程中用户的已回答问题数量的方法:

  FROM m_workflow_questions mq
  JOIN m_workflow_responses mr ON mr.questionid = mq.id
 WHERE mr.userid = 3 AND mq.workflowid = 1

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


@Query("SELECT _key, secondName FROM Person WHERE firstName REGEXP ?")
public List<List> selectSeveralField(String val, Pageable pageable);

答案 1 :(得分:0)

由于内维尔·库伊特(Neville Kuyt)的非常有用的想法,我做了以下事情:

  • workflowid添加到了m_workflow_responses表中
  • 重新设计了基本查询


SELECT t.id, t.userid, (t.mqcount = t.mrcount) AS complete , t.started, t.completed
         SELECT m.id
              , mr.userid
              , (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM m_workflow_questions mq1 WHERE mq1.workflowid = m.id) AS mqcount
              , COUNT(DISTINCT (mr.questionid))                                             AS mrcount
              , (SELECT MIN(mr1.timecreated) FROM m_workflow_responses mr1 WHERE mr1.userid = mr.userid AND mr1.workflowid = m.id) AS started
              , (SELECT MAX(mr2.timecreated) FROM m_workflow_responses mr2 WHERE mr2.userid = mr.userid AND mr2.workflowid = m.id) AS completed
         FROM m_workflow m
         JOIN m_workflow_questions mq ON mq.workflowid = m.id
    LEFT JOIN m_workflow_responses mr ON mr.questionid = mq.id
        WHERE mr.userid IS NOT NULL
     GROUP BY m.id, mr.userid
     ) t