input {
rabbitmq {
id => "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
host => "xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx"
exchange => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
key => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
queue => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
user => "shipper"
password => "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"
durable => true
type => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
threads => 1
prefetch_count => 100
connection_timeout => 10000
vhost => "vhost_xxxxxxxx"
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9200","xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9200","xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:9200"]
index => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
document_type => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
timeout => 30000
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["load_balanced_host:80"]
index => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
document_type => "xxxxxx_xxxxxxx_xxxxx"
timeout => 30000
第一个输出(具有3 ip的输出)是新集群(我们要迁移到的集群)。第二个是由Amazon Elasticsearch服务提供的负载平衡集群。 它们具有相同的映射。 它们都是同一版本(2.3)。
问题是:新群集丢失了消息(或者,idk无法传递消息)。 让我们以这种情况为例:
1 - MSG_A, MSG_B and MSG_C arrives in the rabbitMq;
2 - Logstash processes MSG_A, MSG_B and MSG_C;
3 - Logstash logs shows nothing anormal;
4 - Checking the old elasticsearch cluster all the messages are there (MSG_A, MSG_B and MSG_C);
5 - Checking the new elasticsearch cluster there's messages missing.