我不知道list-all和remote-list是否列出了从中分发所有扩展的中央存储库中的内容,但是我假设有一些命令可以列出该中央存储库中的每个扩展。 apt和yum可以,但是令我惊讶的是,在pecl搜索中找不到的东西没有列在远程列表或全部列表中,因此我的假设一定是错误的。
root@app-server[] ~ # /usr/bin/pecl search rar
Retrieving data...0%
Matched packages, channel pecl.php.net:
Package Stable/(Latest) Local
rar 4.0.0 (stable) rar extension
root@app-server[] ~ #
但是我在pecl list-all和pecl remote-list中都找不到它。这是所有清单
root@app-server[] ~ # /usr/bin/pecl list-all | grep -i rar
PHP Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /usr/share/php/PEAR/PackageFile/v2.php on line 1675
pecl/big_int 1.0.7 big_int library provides a set of functions for calculations with arbitrary length integers and bitsets
pecl/crypto 0.3.1 Wrapper for OpenSSL Crypto Library
pecl/date_time 0.1 Date and Time Library
pecl/decimal 1.3.0 Arbitrary precision floating-point decimal
pecl/eio 2.0.4 Provides interface to the libeio library
pecl/ev 1.0.4 Provides interface to libev library
pecl/fann 1.1.1 Wrapper for FANN (Fast Artificial Neural Network) Library
pecl/gnupg 1.4.0 wrapper around the gpgme library
pecl/KTaglib 0.2.0 Library to edit audio properties and tags on MPEG and OGG files
pecl/lapack 0.1.0 Wrapper for the LAPACK linear algebra library.
pecl/libsodium 2.0.21 Wrapper for the Sodium cryptographic library
pecl/mcrypt 1.0.2 Bindings for the libmcrypt library
pecl/ming Binding for the ming library, swf generation (flash)
pecl/mogilefs PHP client library to communicate with the MogileFS storage
pecl/newt 1.2.9 Extension for Red Hat Newt window library
pecl/opengl 0.9.0 OpenGL (3D graphics library) for PHP
pecl/phdfs 0.1.2 PHP client library to communicate with the hadoop hdfs
pecl/POP3 1.0.2 POP3 Client Library
pecl/rsync 0.1.0 Wrapper for librsync library
pecl/solr 2.4.0 The Apache Solr PHP extension is an extremely fast, light-weight, feature-rich library that allows PHP applications to communicate easily and efficiently with Apache Solr server instances using an object-oriented API.
pecl/SPL Standard PHP Library
pecl/SPL_Types 0.4.0 Standard PHP Library, Types Addon
pecl/svm 0.2.3 Support Vector Machine Library
pecl/udis86 0.1.0 PHP bindings for udis86 library
pecl/xhprof 0.9.4 XHProf: A Hierarchical Profiler for PHP
root@app-server[] ~ #
remote-list List Remote Packages
root@app-server[] ~ # /usr/bin/pecl -v remote-list
Channel pecl.php.net Available packages:
Package Version
KTaglib -n/a-
FliteTTS -n/a-
DTrace 1.0.3
inclued -n/a-
memprof 2.0.0
opencensus -n/a-
datadog_trace 0.19.0
yaconf 1.0.7
env -n/a-
zookeeper 0.6.4
augeas -n/a-
xmms -n/a-
termbox -n/a-
newt 1.2.9
tvision -n/a-
ncurses 1.0.2
date_time -n/a-
timezonedb 2019.1
hrtime 0.6.0
timecop -n/a-
libsodium 2.0.21
xxtea 1.0.11
mcrypt_filter -n/a-
gnupg 1.4.0
mcrypt -n/a-
scrypt 1.4.2
swoole 4.3.3
uv -n/a-
libevent -n/a-
eio 2.0.4
ev 1.0.4
phdfs 0.1.2
dazuko -n/a-
xattr 1.3.0
smbclient 1.0.0
inotify 2.0.0
mogilefs 0.7.5
fuse 0.1
html_parse 1.0.0
tidy 1.2
pecl_http 3.2.0
txforward 1.0.7
apfd 1.0.1
json_post 1.0.1
uri_template 1.0
fribidi 1.2
idn -n/a-
intl 3.0.0
translit -n/a-
unicode -n/a-
gender 1.1.0
cld 0.5.0
unicodestring -n/a-
python -n/a-
perl 1.0.1
handlebars 0.8.3
lua 2.0.6
spidermonkey 1.0.0
v8js 2.1.0
v8 0.2.2
mustache 0.8.0
LuaSandbox 3.0.3
SeasLog 2.0.2
vpopmail -n/a-
mailparse 3.0.3
POP3 1.0.2
big_int 1.0.7
geospatial -n/a-
stats 1.0.5
hdr_histogram -n/a-
lapack -n/a-
trader 0.5.0
decimal 1.3.0
opengl -n/a-
ecasound -n/a-
xmp 4.2.0
ming -n/a-
sdl -n/a-
spplus 1.0
TCLink 3.4.0
cybercash -n/a-
cybermut 1.1
coin_acceptor -n/a-
mcve 7.0.3
shape -n/a-
amfext -n/a-
rrd 2.0.1
sphinx 1.3.3
clucene -n/a-
mnogosearch -n/a-
swish -n/a-
solr 2.4.0
selinux -n/a-
pledge 2.0.2
taint 2.0.5
openal -n/a-
oggvorbis -n/a-
zlib_filter 1.1
bz2_filter 1.1.0
ds 1.2.8
bloomy -n/a-
Judy 1.0.2
quickhash 1.0.0
Weakref -n/a-
crypto -n/a-
PECL_Gen -n/a-
SPL -n/a-
crack 0.4
fann 1.1.1
Valkyrie -n/a-
clips -n/a-
huffman 0.2.0
binpack 1.0.1
crack_dll 0.4
filter -n/a-
hash 1.5
SPL_Types 0.4.0
protobuf 3.7.1
xrange 1.3.2
xhprof -n/a-
pcsc -n/a-
stomp 2.0.2
svm -n/a-
rsync -n/a-
functional -n/a-
msgpack 2.0.3
udis86 0.1.0
graphdat 1.0.4
protocolbuffers -n/a-
swoole_serialize -n/a-
stackdriver_debugger -n/a-
svn 1.0.3
libvirt -n/a-
XMLRPCi -n/a-
xmlReader 1.0.1
xmlwriter 2.0.4
domxml -n/a-
dom_varimport 1.11.3
WBXML 1.0.3
xmldiff 1.1.2
xslcache -n/a-
root@app-server[] ~ #