type IInterface1 =
abstract member id :string
type IInterface2 =
abstract member weight :float
type A (id, weight) =
interface IInterface1 with member x.id = id
interface IInterface2 with member x.weight = weight
type B (id, weight) =
interface IInterface1 with member x.id = id
interface IInterface2 with member x.weight = weight
type Common<'T when 'T :> IInterface1 and 'T :> IInterface2> (o :'T) =
interface IInterface1 with member x.id = o.id
interface IInterface2 with member x.weight = o.weight
type LBranch<'T> (root :'T) =
member val root = root
member val branch = [root] :'T list with get, set
member x.add item = x.branch <- item :: x.branch; x
member x.head = match x.branch with h :: _ -> h | _ -> failwith "LevelingTree corrupt"
let a, b = A("1", 10.0), B("2", 100.0)
let ca, cb = Common(a), Common(b)
LBranch(ca).add(cb) // Common<B> is not compatible with Common<A>
type Common (o :obj) =
interface IInterface1 with member x.id = match o with :? IInterface1 as o -> o.id | _ -> failwith ""
interface IInterface2 with member x.weight = match o with :? IInterface2 as o -> o.weight | _ -> failwith ""
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type IInterface1 =
abstract member id :string
type IInterface2 =
abstract member weight :float
type ICommon =
inherit IInterface1
inherit IInterface2