//The proceeding code calculated the sum based on the users selections
//Variable that Displays the SubTotal before discount is applied
var eltableSub = document.getElementById("tableSub")
if (PropertyUsage == "Residential")
eltableSub.textContent = "£ " + (90 * NumberOfRooms).toFixed(2);
if (PropertyUsage == "Business")
eltableSub.textContent = "£ " + (150 * NumberOfRooms).toFixed(2);
//Variable that displays the discount
var elDiscount = document.getElementById("tableDiscount")
if (NumberOfRooms <=5 & PropertyUsage == "Residential")
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + (NumberOfRooms * 90).toFixed(2) + " No Discount applied"
if ((NumberOfRooms >=6 & NumberOfRooms <=9) & PropertyUsage == "Residential")
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + ((NumberOfRooms * 90) / 100 * 10).toFixed(2) + " (10%)"
if ((NumberOfRooms >=10 & PropertyUsage == "Residential"))
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + ((NumberOfRooms * 90) / 100 * 15).toFixed(2) + " (15%)"
if (NumberOfRooms <=5 & PropertyUsage == "Business")
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + (NumberOfRooms * 150).toFixed(2) + " No Discount applied"
if ((NumberOfRooms >=6 & NumberOfRooms <=9) & PropertyUsage == "business")
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + ((NumberOfRooms * 150) / 100 * 10).toFixed(2) + " (10%)"
if (NumberOfRooms >=10 & PropertyUsage == "Business")
elDiscount.textContent = '£ ' + ((NumberOfRooms * 150) / 100 * 15).toFixed(2) + " (15%)" // Working!!!!
// Variable that Displays the Total based on the number of rooms and the applicable discount
var elTableTotal = document.getElementById('tableTotal')
function ShowSum(){
var Summary = document.getElementById("SummaryTable")