
时间:2019-04-22 03:07:53

标签: database-design


1. Allow self-registration of users into the system, each user having a unique username and a password. 

2. Allow events to be created, scheduled, deleted and automatically archived once the is past. Events should have: 
    1. Owners, the only ones allowed to change event time, description, venue or modify anything but scheduled content for the event. 
    2. Scheduled dates and durations (eg. “starts 2019/04/03 at 10am and ends on 2019/04/04 at 5pm”). 
    3. Venues: An address field where the event will occur 
    4. Description: What the event is about. This can optionally include a picture - an event logo or banner or other descriptive graphic. 

3. Allow existing events to have ad-hoc sessions proposed by anyone who has signed up event. A session should have a title, a basic description, a speaker (by default, the 
user proposing the event) and a duration. 

4 Sessions should be scheduled into the available time for the event in a first-come, first scheduled basis. 
No session can overlap another session. 
If all available time slots have been claimed for the event, no additional 
sessions should be schedulable unless the event owner or a 
session owner deletes or changes the necessary time for a session to make room. 


我打算将golang,gorm和mux用于数据库抽象和API开发。enter image description here

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