@Table(name = "declaration_type", uniqueConstraints =
@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = { "declaration_id", "type_id" }))
@Getter @Setter
public class DeclarationTypeEntity implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 5424823478701291072L;
@AttributeOverride(name = "declarationId", column = @Column(name = "declaration_id", nullable = false)),
@AttributeOverride(name = "typeId", column = @Column(name = "type_id", nullable = false)) })
private DeclarationTypeId id;
@Column(name = "declaration_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Long declarationId;
@Column(name = "type_id", insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Long typeId;
public DeclarationTypeEntity(Long dec, Long type) {
this.declarationId = dec;
this.typeId= type;
package com.apicil.cosy.contrat.dao.api.hibernate.impl;
// other importations here .. but this one is causing the problem
import com.apicil.cosy.common.domain.contrat.DeclarationTypeEntity;
public class TypesContratDaoImpl extends AbstractDaoImpl<Object, Long> implements TypesContratDao {
private TypesContratDaoJPA typesContratDaoJPA;
private DeclarationTypeDaoJPA declarationTypeDaoJPA;
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
public CrudRepository getCrudRepositoryImpl() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return null;
public List<Type> getTypesContratDao() {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return getJPAQueryFactory().selectFrom(QType.type).fetch();
public void getTypesByDeclaration() {
public void ajouterUnTypeAuContrat() {
declarationTypeDaoJPA.save(new DeclarationTypeEntity(1,5));
public void supprimerUnTypeDeContrat() {
Failed to generate mapping method for type com.apicil.cosy.common.domain.contrat.DeclarationTypeEntity to com.apicil.cosy.common.domain.contrat.DeclarationTypeEntity not supported on com.apicil.cosy.generateur.service.api.DocumentMappingHandler.clonnerLeDocument(com.apicil.cosy.generateur.domain.Document) !
[ERROR] --> Add a custom mapper or 'withIgnoreFields' on @Mapper or @Maps to fix this ! If you think this a Bug in Selma please report issue here [https://github.com/xebia-france/selma/issues].
我不知道如何解决它,我花了太多时间,我是Spring Boot的新手,希望我能得到一些帮助,谢谢。