我正在尝试导出我想导入其他地方的类的某些变体。 我不知道没有实例化就可以创建它们吗? 以及我该怎么做。
export { Character } from './Character';
import { CharacterOptions, WarlockOptions } from './CharacterOptions';
class Character implements CharacterInterface {
private health: number;
private name: string;
private characterOptions: CharacterOptions;
constructor(name, health) {
this.name = name;
this.health = health;
this.characterOptions = new WarlockOptions(); // where WarlockOptions extends CharacterOptions
我希望能够在 index.ts 文件
中执行类似的操作import { Character } from './Character';
import { ArcherOptions, WarlockOptions } from './CharacterOptions';
export const ArcherClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(ArcherOptions);
export const WarlockClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(WarlockOptions);
的自定义对象来直接创建自定义类答案 0 :(得分:2)
interface CharacterInterface { }
class CharacterOptions { public level?: number }
class ArcherOptions extends CharacterOptions { public bow?: string; }
class WarlockOptions extends CharacterOptions { public magic?: string }
class Character<T extends CharacterOptions> implements CharacterInterface {
private health: number;
private name: string;
private characterOptions: T;
constructor(name: string, health: number, optionsCtor: new () => T) {
this.name = name;
this.health = health;
this.characterOptions = new optionsCtor(); // where WarlockOptions extends CharacterOptions
function someWrapperOfCharacter<T extends CharacterOptions>(optionsCtor: new () => T) {
return class extends Character<T> {
constructor(name: string, health: number) {
super(name, health, optionsCtor);
export const ArcherClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(ArcherOptions);
export type ArcherClass = InstanceType<typeof ArcherClass> // needed to allow type declarations let a: ArcherClass
export const WarlockClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(WarlockOptions);
export type WarlockClass = InstanceType<typeof WarlockClass>
答案 1 :(得分:0)
interface CharacterInterface { }
class CharacterOptions { public level?: number }
class ArcherOptions extends CharacterOptions { public bow?: string; }
class WarlockOptions extends CharacterOptions { public magic?: string }
export const someWrapperOfCharacter = (optionsCtor: CharacterOptions) => {
return class Character implements CharacterInterface {
private health: number;
private name: string;
private characterOptions: CharacterOptions;
constructor(name: string, health: number) {
this.name = name;
this.health = health;
this.characterOptions = new optionsCtor();
export const ArcherClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(ArcherOptions);
export type ArcherClass = InstanceType<typeof ArcherClass> // needed to allow type declarations let a: ArcherClass
export const WarlockClass = someWrapperOfCharacter(WarlockOptions);
export type WarlockClass = InstanceType<typeof WarlockClass>
const archer = new ArcherClass('archie', 100);
console.log(archer instanceof ArcherClass); // true
const warlock = new WarlockClass('warlie', 100);
console.log(warlock instanceof WarlockClass); // true