
时间:2019-04-18 07:09:45

标签: c# list object unity3d

我搜索了其中的内容,但无法解决。 我有一个像这样的程序设置(它在Unity和Visual Studio 2019 for C#中): 请注意,CSV加载正常,在调试代码时,我可以看到所有填充有corect数据的数据。

df['sales_percent'] = df.groupby(['state'])['sales'].transform(lambda x: x/x.sum())



  1. 为什么要在“开始”中显示“对象列表”?我似乎无法在自己的类中这样做。

  2. 如何从“角色对象列表”中获取一个对象,其中包含ID = 100和Name =“ John” ,然后从另一个类或方法访问它。



///主要的问题是在类内部声明对象,当在类外部声明对象时,列表对象可用于外部。 List <_Character>字符=新List <_Character>();移至外部开始{}

我没有编辑问题来更正代码,因为问题需要保持清晰。 //

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)




如何从“字符对象列表”中获取一个对象,该对象包含ID = 100和Name =“ John”,并从另一个类或方法中访问它。


// Declare the list outside of the functions
private List<_Character> characters;

void Start()
    // Avoid using regions, they encourage you to make very long functions with multiple responsabilities, which is not advised
    // Instead, create short and simple functions, and call them

void LoadCharactersFromCSV()
    string[,] CharacterCSV = Tools.LoadCsv(@"Assets/GameDB/character.csv");

    // If you can, indicate the approximate numbers of elements
    // It's not mandatory, but it improves a little bit the performances
    characters = new List<_Character>( CharacterCSV.GetUpperBound(0) );

    // I believe `i` should start at 0 instead of 1
    for (int i = 1; i < CharacterCSV.GetUpperBound(0); i++)
        // I advise you to create a constructor
        // instead of accessing the properties one by one
        _Character temp = new _Character();
        temp.Id = Tools.IntParse(CharacterCSV[i, 0]);
        temp.Variation = Tools.IntParse(CharacterCSV[i, 1]);
        temp.Name = CharacterCSV[i, 2];
        temp.LastName = CharacterCSV[i, 3];


    CharacterCSV = null;

// Using this function, you will be able to get a character from its id
public _Character GetCharacter( int id )
    for (int 0 = 1; i < characters.Count; i++)
        if( characters[i].Id == id )
            return characters[i];

    // Return null if no character with the given ID has been found
    return null ;


public class ExampleMonoBehaviour : MonoBehaviour
    // Replace `TheClassName` by the name of the class above, containing the `Start` function
    // Drag & drop in the inspector the gameObject holding the previous class
    public TheClassName CharactersManager;

    // I use `Start` for the sake of the example
    private void Start()
        // According to your code, `_Character` is defined **inside** the other class
        // so you have to use this syntax
        // You can get rid of `TheClassName.` if you declare `_Character` outside of it
        TheClassName._Character john = CharactersManager.GetCharacter( 100 );