我正在尝试将PuzzleWords或userSpecifiedWords列表中的每个单词随机放置到Puzzle 2D数组中。可以将单词上下垂直放置,上下垂直放置,左右水平放置以及左右水平放置。本质上就是搜索单词。但是似乎无法弄清楚如何将下一个字符放置在正确的位置,从而满足这些要求。
//Initialising the 2d array and list of words.
public class WordSearchPuzzle {
private char [][] puzzle;
private List<String> puzzleWords;
//What I have so far to take the word out of the array, generate a random pos in 2d array then check if the pos is empty, if empty place the first char of word in that pos else generate new pos.
for (int i = 0; i < puzzleWords.size(); i++) {
for (int r = 0; r < puzzle.length; r++) {
for (int c = 0; c < puzzle[r].length; c++) {
String s = puzzleWords.get(i);
int wordLength = s.length();
char firstChar = s.charAt(0);
while(puzzle[rowGenerate][colGenerate] != ' ') {
puzzle[rowGenerate][colGenerate] = puzzle[(int) Math.random() * gridSize + 1][(int) Math.random() * gridSize + 1];
puzzle[rowGenerate][colGenerate] = firstChar;