
时间:2011-04-06 20:10:19

标签: mediawiki


4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)


从a创建中间语言链接   页面,只需输入[[语言   前缀:pagename]]无论你喜欢什么地方   这页纸;语言前缀是   在你的维基上指定的前缀   其他语言版本(通常是   ISO语言代码)。


如果你想制作中介语   链接出现在内容中   页面,您可以在之前添加冒号   语言前缀,例如   [[:EN:向日葵]。



答案 1 :(得分:0)

您所询问的内容并不十分清楚,但可以在数据库的interwiki表中定义中介语/ interwiki链接。

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This template adds available translations for the page to the top through the use of flags.

To prevent issues, this template must be placed '''at the very beginning of a page'''.

Tip! When contributing a new translation to a document that already has other translations, please carry over the existing translations to the otherlang template of your contributed page. This way all multilingual pages are linked.

== Syntax ==
| noborder=true (OPTIONAL)
| title=localized page display title
| lang=page:lang
| lang2=page:lang2
| etc...
Warning! Do not include the language of the current page. This will only confuse readers. === Example === On a page called [[Template:Otherlang]]:
| title=Template:Otherlang
| ru=Category:Programming:ru
Note that: * The language "en" is not included, as it is the language of the page that template is being used on. * title is assigned the translated name of the page, and will appear as the display title (heading) for the page. This can replace the existing {{wrongtitle}} and {{DISPLAYTITLE}} templates currently in common use. * The English page has no suffix. == Available Languages == {| class="table table-bordered" border="2" cellpadding="7" ! Language ! Syntax ! Result |- id="en" |English |en=Page_name |[[File:En.png]] |- id="ru" |Russian |ru=Page_name:ru |[[File:Ru.png]] |} {{#if: {{{title|}}} | {{DISPLAYTITLE:{{{title}}}}} }}{{#if: {{{en|}}} | '''[[File:En.png|alt=English|link={{{en}}}]]''' }} {{#if: {{{ru|}}} | [[File:Ru.png|alt=Русский|link={{{ru}}}]] }}


| noborder=true (OPTIONAL)
| title=localized page display title
| lang=page:lang
| lang2=page:lang2
| etc...
