My app was working perfectly and suddenly it started showing me compiler error. Here is the error:
Compiler message:
org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1: Error: Method not found: 'toStringDeep'.
org-dartlang-debug:synthetic_debug_expression:1:1: Error: The method 'toStringDeep' isn't defined for the class 'NumberFormat'.
- 'NumberFormat' is from 'package:intl/intl.dart' ('file:///Users/chandra/flutter/.pub-cache/hosted/').
Try correcting the name to the name of an existing method, or defining a method named 'toStringDeep'.
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这是known bug 36091和30381,应在下一发行版中修复。唯一的解决方法是运行flutter clean
。 (使用Android Studios工具-> Flutter-> Flutter Clean也应该起作用)。
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