I've created an IIS website. However, everytime when i access the website externally it's displaying the default IIS page.
My websites physical path is E:/IIS/Website. However, It looks like, On IIS when i 'browse'my site it's pointing to the files in C:\inetpub\wwwroot no to my specified physical path. The reason i'm saying this is because, when i copy my website files in to C:\inetpub\wwwroot and rename the home.html file to iisstart.htm the website is working fine both internally and externally.
When i try to access externally the website is giving me the IIS home page I go to portal.mydomain.com. But it gives me a '404 - File or directory not found.' error page when i go to portal.mydomain.com/home.html
My website is connecting to an external domain i purchased. In bindings, i've added my actual portal.mydomain.com with port 80.
This is the Defaul IIS Page i get:
My Bindings Page:
Any idea where it's going wrong?
Thank you in advance.
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